SWORD ART ONLINE Alicization Lycoris

SWORD ART ONLINE Alicization Lycoris

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CODYWALLS1 Jul 2, 2021 @ 9:09pm
any way to increase draw distance?
is there any way to increase the draw distance whether by using a mod, editing a config file or using a cheat table with cheat engine? i can play through anything else but watching everything pop in and out is hard to ignore. even set to high it feels like only a few meters in front of you.
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Kokoro Jul 3, 2021 @ 8:25am 
I feel your pain. Thats the only thing about this game that still annoys me to this very day. Rather than the devs actually optimising the game, they simply turned down the draw distance to a certain point that high, medium or low makes no difference anymore.
onizukaftw Jul 5, 2021 @ 7:20pm 
Originally posted by CODYWALLS1:
is there any way to increase the draw distance whether by using a mod, editing a config file or using a cheat table with cheat engine? i can play through anything else but watching everything pop in and out is hard to ignore. even set to high it feels like only a few meters in front of you.

it's their fix to make the game stable...sadly, just likethe weapon sheathe did the same
Maverick Sep 12, 2021 @ 2:45am 
I paused the game for about 1 year because it just wasn't optimized well at release. Now I wanted to continue and am horrified at how bad it suddenly looks. Is there really no way to at least increase the drawing distance and/or LOD?

I did find the config file, but it can't be edited, as with other games (because of anti-cheat???).

I really want to like this game, but technically it is a pure cathastrophy.
outoftheboxgaming Sep 13, 2021 @ 8:09pm 
Originally posted by Maverick:
I paused the game for about 1 year because it just wasn't optimized well at release. Now I wanted to continue and am horrified at how bad it suddenly looks. Is there really no way to at least increase the drawing distance and/or LOD?

I did find the config file, but it can't be edited, as with other games (because of anti-cheat???).

I really want to like this game, but technically it is a pure cathastrophy.

Config files can't be edited because it's was double encrypted within the cpk files of this game

Yes, this game has poor coding that makes this game performance is so terrible and has poor gaming experience.
Maverick Sep 14, 2021 @ 9:52am 
I can't believe how the devs broke their own game.

The visibility settings are completely useless, because there is no difference between low, medium and high anymore!

I really considered switching back to 1.03, but then the gameplay changes are lost, even if the game looks better. I guess it's best to uninstall it again and write off my money. SAO is such a great franchise, but this game destroyed a lot. Thanks for nothing Aquarius!
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Date Posted: Jul 2, 2021 @ 9:09pm
Posts: 5