Cataph's Southern Realms - Regiments of Renown addon
Cataph  [developer] Feb 5, 2017 @ 8:52am

- Ricco's Republican Guard: a regiment of the best among the best, escaped from Remas against 1:10 odds. Dress richly, bait enemies into thinking you’re a bunch of spoilt kids, slaughter them, profit. Higher stats and armour make them the ultimate pikemen short of special rules and higher damage.

- Alcatani Fellowship: the regiment of “good guys” that are all for the small fry, cheap cut-throats that somehow still manage to beat superior enemies by sheer “humanity f***-yeah”. The fashion opposite of the Ricco’s but just as effective in numbers.

- Pirazzo's Lost Legion: expeditionary regiment that survived everything Pizarro’s men might have endured with the addition of dinosaurs and zombies. Here I deliberately strayed from the description, skipping on the “polished brass” armour; IMHO, it didn’t fit their ragged style. Of course, I can’t actually give them crossbows due to animation limitations but I made do. (check out their ability, yes the AI will use that and yes, it chews through other pikemen)

- Leopard Company: out of a roman-myth ripoff come Leopold and his temple guardians. They were pretty standard so they are your basic 9xp pikemen unit + immPsy. Still fabulous enough to make a difference in the name of the three-tailed two-headed leopard (I blame Chernobyl). Also the cover-boy because of the awesome artwork.

- Voland's Venators: remember when you were so drunk you started fighting like a Reiksguard? They do. All the time. Gritty knights were never this gritty while having an inspiring original artwork.

- Vespero's Vendetta: sword and dagger skirmishers that are bound to make someone bleed before they realize they are made of papier-maché. Their officer (coming soon™) is one of the best hero-tier fighters and bonafide ded killy.

- Marksmen of Miragliano: fashion-haired fellas with the best accuracy among human missile infantrymen. “We hit the right spot every time”.

- Braganza's Besiegers: arguably the ultimate human missile infantry (with standard accuracy and weapons), probably have “f*** off, elves” written in braille everywhere. No, I can’t give them actual pavises.

- Anakonda's Amazons: the only Regiment able to put the Riccos' provision of coloured plumes to shame, the Amazons are in the Dogs of War business perhaps for fun, as they don't really grasp that "don't kill your hirer afterwards" thing yet. Their ultra-rare drop from Lustria compensates for otherwise average stats. No, I can't give them the lazer beam missile without it being extra awkward.

- Knights of Origo: angry knights right from oldhammer. Coloured blood-red and foaming at their mouths, they hail from Araby to prod buttock and deusvult everything in sight.

- Al Muktar's Desert Dogs: killy desert dudes led by a prophecy Dutchman. The same they had been torturing for fun. Yes, it's a bit awkward and I think they try not to talk about it. Anyways, the unit is an excellent light melee cav, more alike to bretonnian yeomen than anything imperial/southerner.
Officers: included are Ibn (the blind), the Sheikh (tweaked from Haradrim's variant) and Al Muktar himself (added, with hero-like damage).

- Cursed Company: Richter Kreugar is the unliving proof that a necromancer is a sore loser and that you shouldn’t backstab a powerful one without expecting some sort of fallout damage. The curse made Richter an undead immortal, together with anyone that he slays and enslaves with his sword, Blight. The Company is an undeniable tarpit of fresh skeletons, although stuff like Grave Guard will chew through them like there’s no yesterday, but gods may forgive those that happen to be losing combat against the Cursed...
(they get an unusual array of skills and passives for a unit to better represent their rules, and yes, it's inteded that against inferior troops they will come on top healed to full-ish)

- Mengil Manhide's Manflayers: when a Dark Elf is ditched on a beach because he is too hydrashit crazy, you know we're talking about serious issues. Since a Prince from Verezzo dared hiring this merry bunch for mercenary service, that's what the Manflayers have been doing: manflaying. On tabletop, Mengil's company was a hybrid and ded killy group of dark elves in heavy armour, great weapons and repeating crossbows, with all that ensues. Relatively squishy for their pricetag and won't win in a dedicated firefight, but used as a sturmtruppen-like taskforce they were godly. I tried to replicate that.
Last edited by Cataph; Feb 12, 2017 @ 8:15am