

Star Wars Rebel Ships
 Toto téma bylo přilepeno, takže je nejspíš důležité
Elratie  [vývojář] 19. pro. 2016 v 7.06
Guide for not Annoying the Mod Dev
Since i get agitated by the fact, that people cant read nor it seems want to read the Mod Description or F.A.Q. and to that i response grumpy/ harsh, i will put some rules on here for my Mods . How i will handle comments and other feedback from now on.
Naposledy upravil Elratie; 19. pro. 2016 v 8.11
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Elratie  [vývojář] 19. pro. 2016 v 7.11 
If you report a Bug in the Mod comment sections i will delete it with no response. For that is the Bug thread there and in the F.A.Q will be a kind of template, for how to submit these Bugs.
Elratie  [vývojář] 19. pro. 2016 v 7.14 
If you ask a question in the comment that is answered in the F.A.Q, i will most likely delete it. Read the F.A.Q first before asking AGAIN.
Elratie  [vývojář] 19. pro. 2016 v 7.16 
If you guys/ girls have a problem with my attitude, i do not care i am doing this in my free time giving you FREE content to play with.
Elratie  [vývojář] 19. pro. 2016 v 7.19 
Don´t post your stuff in Caps and make sentences i can understand, english is not my mother language, german it is.
Elratie  [vývojář] 19. pro. 2016 v 7.21 
If your comment is a massive wall of spammy crap asking questions that already got answered one or two pages back in the previous comments, i will delete it.
Naposledy upravil Elratie; 19. pro. 2016 v 7.25
Elratie  [vývojář] 19. pro. 2016 v 7.25 
If there is a game breaking update, because much got changed and the save is broken don´t cry on me, i dont care. Most mods break games in progress, live with the fact that it might happen.

If you complain about it, i will delete your complain. Unsubscribe from the mod, vote it down and go somewhere else, thanks.
Naposledy upravil Elratie; 19. pro. 2016 v 7.35
Elratie  [vývojář] 19. pro. 2016 v 7.28 
Don´t think a second, because you subsribed to the mod that i have to do things you want, i dont care what you want. That is my mod, i will do the things i want.

If you however can provide a reason and if it is a ship, a model to that ship (not ripped from other mod Author) i will listen to it, unless it is a wall of crap you want to throw at me.
Elratie  [vývojář] 19. pro. 2016 v 7.33 
Read the mod description and F.A.Q if you didn´t and i see that, i will delete you comment without response.

One line criticism will be deleted, if the mod isn´t to your liking go somewhere else crying.
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