ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

DPs Tranqulizer Sniper Rifle
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
DeathWish  [developer] Jan 15, 2016 @ 7:50am
FAQ (Read first ask questions later)
How do i use the mod?
1. Subscribe to it, start ark and let it download

2. Singleplayer / non dedicated servers:
Acivate the mod before you press start singleplayer / hosting

3. Dedicated servers:
Copy the downloaded mod folder+file and put in in you servers mod folder
Add the following to your servers startup parameters: GameModIds=587288100

How do i disable or change the engrams
Below you will find four codes, alter them to your liking and put it into your ini





How do i use the code to change the power of Narcotic Dart?
1. Singleplayer / non dedicated servers:


If you can´t get it to work there try:
**Note that you may have to write protect this file when you have modified it**

Add the following to the bottom and replace 5.0 with whatever numbers you want.
(Lowest supported number is 1.0 and gives Narcotic Dart around the same power as a standard dart)


2. Dedicated servers
Same procedure but instead put the code into your servers DefaultGameUserSettings.ini

When can i craft the weapon and how?
You will unlock the weapon and dart engram at level 70.
The recipe will be directly under your characters crafting tab.

How much Topor does the darts apply without a modified DartMultiplier
Narcotic Dart = 700 instant Torpor and a stacking DoT with 30% torpor over 5sec
Enhanced Dart = 1750 instant Torpor and a stacking DoT with 30% torpor over 5sec
Massive Dart = 3500 instant Torpor and a stacking DoT with 30% torpor over 5sec

Does it work on both players and Dinos
Yes, the weapon is for now tuned for high level dinos and will OneTranq hostile players with standard setting for the NarcoticDart Multiplier.
Last edited by DeathWish; Nov 18, 2016 @ 1:38am