Age of Mythology: Extended Edition

Age of Mythology: Extended Edition

Vandhaal rms world Realm of the Gods, Supremacy random map series
The_Vandhaal  [utvikler] 25. feb. 2015 kl. 5.37
#4 Vandhaal Hades realm: Erebus lake of fire AoMEE
#4 Vandhaal Hades realm: Erebus lake of fire AoMEE
This supremacy random map brings you to the the hollows of the earth, the murky subterranean realm of Hades. You arrive in your journey towards the deeper regions of Tartarus at a lake of lava and fire somewhere in Erebus. The banks around this lake of fire are covered with poisonous smoke and raging fires. In this harsh environment you find barren remains of trees and some lost animals which are trapped in this underworld. Some departed souls also dwell here. And what about that Mysterious underworld temple? It is not wise to enter this realm but since you want to conquer it to get access to its magical riches or maybe to find back your lost loved ones a final warning follows: Be on your guard warriors. Look sharp and keep your weapon at the ready at all times!

Check map screenie 'click da below pic" to enlarge