Mount & Blade: Warband

Mount & Blade: Warband

More Women for Native
someproteinguy  [pengembang] 17 Okt 2014 @ 12:22pm
There's a problem with the download

The mod is downloadable from here, however I'm certain it is NOT working properly after download. You'll need to follow the instructions on the front page to get it to work.

The nexusmods version should be working fine as well. It can be found here: if you need an alternative download site.

I followed the instructions but I'm still having trouble getting the mod to work

I'll try and help or offer advice if I can, but I'm no computer guru.

Diplomacy version?

Yes, there's also a Diplomacy version for download. It's listed here as a separate file, but may be buried deeper on the list than this one. There is no stand-alone version of the diplomacy mod available with this mod.

Boob Armor?

No boob armor, nudity, unrealistic fantasy armor, etc. The women wear the same armor as the men.

So Is this supposed to be realistic?

Not really, I basically took a realistic scenario (i.e. war spurring women to take on non-traditional roles) to an unrealistic extreme. Part of this was intentional and done for fun, part of this was simply due to how the game was designed and what was reasonable for me to program. I'm still very much in the learning process when it comes to modding M&B.

Where are the male units?

All of the male units are still in the game. They are available for hire as mercenaries from taverns. NPC lords will also recruit a mixture of male and female units, so you'll likely end up with some that way as well. Bandits are also a good source of male units, both through capturing and recruiting, and by hiring their prisoners after the battle.

Can you merge this with my favorite mod?

In theory it's possible if the owner of the other mod permits it, and if there is public access to their python scripts. In reality I probably have my hands full keeping two versions going, and integrating what I have now into a new mod would be quite a bit of work. I'll keep the suggestion in mind however.

Which units are best?

Under spoiler tags, for people who like figuring these things out for themselves.

In general men are better with swords/axes/etc, both sexes are fairly indistinguishable with a lance or bow (men hit for more with the bow, but women are more accurate, lances will pretty much 1-shot stuff regardless), and women are superior with a crossbow. So Huscarls, Swadian Knights & Rhodok Assassins. The Khergit Windrider is an improvement over the male horse archers, but unfortunately it's still a horse archer in a game that doesn't do horse archery all that well. The Female Bandit Knight/Captain is well rounded.

Any hints/tips?

Not really, you're probably pretty good at this stuff already, but if you want a 'heads up' about what's coming...

Hunt down and kill the NPC leaders early, and don't neglect the tactics skill. Ranged units are more effective here than in the base game. Kill a few packs of looters at the start before trying the other bandits.

Okay, this is nice but I don't want my army to be all female.

Realistically early in the game is the only point you'll find yourself fighting with an all female army (unless you go out of your way to do so). The story reason for this would be that all the men that can fight to any reasonable amount have already been conscripted from the villages to fight in the endless wars (or otherwise are unhireable, or have left to make money as mercenaries, etc.). The real world reason is that, as programmed, I can only put 1 unit in the call to recruit from the village, and am not familiar enough with the code to make it happen otherwise.

Putting together an army with a large number of men will more difficult, and more expensive, but ultimately more effective as well. It's one of the extra challenges built into the mod.

It wasn't intended initially, however in practice making it harder to get that army of 100 Swadian Knights that can simply roll over everything has helped the game feel a bit more balanced. Frankly if you can manage to get that army of 100 Swadian Knights in this mod, as far as I'm concerned you've more than earned the right to smash everyone else into the ground.

I think I found a bug

By all means please let me know, and the more details the better. Debugging a mod by yourself for a game that can easily take over 100 hours to "complete" is quite the task.


Meh, whatever. I just wanted to make a mod that added more women to the game.

If you really want my opinion: women don't usually get a good portrayal in video games, and video game reviews are awful for the most part. Both have been true since the dawn of gaming, and I fear both will unfortunately be true for a while longer. The rest of the internet kerfuffle speaks for itself.

On that note I'd encourage you to debate this particular topic elsewhere, but if you really must discuss please try and keep things at least semi-civil.

Something else!

Ask away.
Terakhir diedit oleh someproteinguy; 6 Nov 2014 @ 8:31am
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I've tried to run the nexus diplomacy version of this mod, and I got a similar error message. This mod looks awesome, and I can't wait to run it.
someproteinguy  [pengembang] 17 Okt 2014 @ 9:05pm 
Hi Sketch.

Edit: (sorry I misunderstood your question there, it's been a long week).

I just double-checked the diplomacy mod on the other site and it downloaded and started up fine here. If you're having a problem getting that one to run, please let me know some details about the problem and I'll see if I can track it down (no promises, I know some stuff, but not a computer guru by any means).
Terakhir diedit oleh someproteinguy; 17 Okt 2014 @ 9:39pm
it says it cant' find module info file.
someproteinguy  [pengembang] 17 Okt 2014 @ 9:56pm 
Okay, first thing to check would be the path, is the mod in: is the path C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MountBlade Warband\Modules\More_Women_Diplomacy (or the equivalent thereof on your computer)?

Is there a module.ini file in that folder? (there was one in my download at least, so hopefully there should be one in yours as well).

If there isn't a module.ini file there, i haven't made any real changes to it for this mod, so you can probably just copy one from the general diplomacy mod, just make sure the following flags are set:

scan_module_textures = 1
scan_module_sounds = 1
Terakhir diedit oleh someproteinguy; 17 Okt 2014 @ 10:01pm
TexStarshine 17 Okt 2014 @ 10:08pm 
TexStarshine 17 Okt 2014 @ 10:08pm 
where should I make the change?
someproteinguy  [pengembang] 17 Okt 2014 @ 10:17pm 
To change the module.ini file, you can open it up in a text editor and simply read down until you get to those two lines listed above. They'll either say = 0 or = 1, if they say = 0, just change them to = 1.

At that point if the file is unzipped and if the above path is correct, and the module.ini file is in there, you'll hopefully not get that error anymore. *crosses fingers*

(Getting late and I got to head to bed, best of luck with it. I hope you get it working. I'll check back in here tomorrow).
Terakhir diedit oleh someproteinguy; 17 Okt 2014 @ 10:25pm
WindBadger 18 Okt 2014 @ 2:31pm 
I got it from both the workshop and the nexus (Diplomacy version) Im trying to do a legit play through. Im early in. Im in the veigners land and everytime I come across a group of Female Deserters the game crashes. Im not sure if this is with just them or the Diplomacy version. If there is a fix or a way around it I would be grateful If I could be imformed of this.
someproteinguy  [pengembang] 18 Okt 2014 @ 2:43pm 
Hi Wolfpack, thanks for the heads up on that, I was unaware of it. I'll see if I can replicate it here. I haven't run into trouble with the native version crashing when seeing deserters (I've put a lot more hours in playing that version), at least on my computer of course.
someproteinguy  [pengembang] 18 Okt 2014 @ 2:59pm 
Okay, I ran into a group of Vaegir deserters in the diplomacy version. They were female archers, and I seemed to get through it okay (well other than getting my butt kicked...). Here's some screenshots, let me know if it was an encounter like this you had trouble with.
WindBadger 18 Okt 2014 @ 3:35pm 
With your first picture I couldnt get there. I could see them on the map. But when I tried to talk to them thats when it crashed.
I'm gonna try installing it in a diffrent way. (Or reinstalling it)
Thanks for the help. :warplate1: (I'll let you know if anything else changes.) Btw it looks like a good mod. Once I get it fixed Im sure I'll spend atleast 20+ hours on it. Seince I always play a female character and this adds to the varity of it.
Terakhir diedit oleh WindBadger; 18 Okt 2014 @ 3:37pm
WindBadger 18 Okt 2014 @ 3:38pm 
Also one more question. Did you use the workshop or Nexus versions?
someproteinguy  [pengembang] 18 Okt 2014 @ 3:43pm 
No problem, good luck.

Edit: I used the nexus version (though in theory it's the same thing that's here in the workshop).
Terakhir diedit oleh someproteinguy; 18 Okt 2014 @ 3:45pm
WindBadger 18 Okt 2014 @ 3:46pm 
I fixed it. All I needed was to reinstall it (I extracted it with WinRAR this time.) Thanks mate.
+Rep Friendly Modder
(Also I posted the screen shots of it working succesfully on my profile if you wanna see)
(I also changed it from Direct X7 to Direct X9) (It was on 7 for some reason)
Terakhir diedit oleh WindBadger; 18 Okt 2014 @ 3:49pm
someproteinguy  [pengembang] 18 Okt 2014 @ 3:53pm 
Took a look, looks awesome, glad to see it's working for you. Have fun! :)
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