Arma 3
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Rydygier  [developer] Apr 15, 2015 @ 8:45am
1. Issues with saved games

Possible reasons of lost saves:

  • Each game update makes previous saves obsolete.
  • Each mission update makes previous saves obsoloete.
  • Attempt of resuming saved game with another set of mods, than those used at save most likely will be a failure. Don't.
  • There is known issue[] for Workshop Arma missions causing randomly saves loss. To avoid it, I recommend use non-Steam Pilgrimage version, for example from BI Forums[]. Non-Steam installation: download pbo file/mission folder and put it into "missions" folder inside Arma 3 directory.

    Possible workaround: copy the save folder. Start the scenario again, then save it in game. After that, copy the old saves back. Then hit load, and you can see them

    Another thing to try to reenable resuming saved game: The saves are still present in "...\Documents\Arma3\saved\steam\Pilgrimage%201%2e94%20hotfix.Altis\..." (your mission name may be different from mine)

    To make them appear again, and have the resume button showing at scenario selection, rename one of the saves to "continue.Arma3Save" (back up your files first, naturaly), this triggers the connection to the "Resume" button in game. Apparently this applies to many workshop scenarios with a lost save issue.
    (thanks to MostlyLame quoting Armaholic forums)

Pilgrimage may be saved in game, like any other Arma scenario.

To enable unlimited saves enter main game menu (ESC key), then: CONFIGURE -> GAME -> DIFFICULTY and enable "unlimited saves"

Note, some mods may disable manual saves. ALiVE was known cause of such issue in the past.

Also game will autosave at each chapel/chapel or circle intel. The more, player can enable autosaves every 20 minutes by opening supports menu (hit 0 then 8 keys) and choosing that option.

2. Any chance for coop?

Some day it may happen officially, meanwhile, in the linked in the description Pilgrimage's BI Thread (first post) you can find link to "wip" but mostly playable Pilgrimage coop version.

3. How about porting Pilgrimage to other maps?

There are official ports to Chernarus, Bornholm and Lingor. There are also unofficial editions/ports including Tanoa. Check BI Forums for details:

BI Forums Pilgrimage thread[]
BI Forums SP-COOP Pilgrimage TANOA Edition thread[] (by rsoftokz)
BI Forums Pilgrimage - Ported thread[]

4. I have bug to report

Bug reports are highly appreciated. But before you do, please, confirm the bug on vanilla (without ANY mods), on Arma 3 newest stable branch, using newest official mission version.

Most valuable feedback is detailed and well documented, optimal with RPT file logs. RPT logs can be found at: C:\Users\(PC user name)\AppData\Local\Arma 3 (path for Win7).

The better report, the bigger chance for quick fix.

5. Game crashes during the mission :(

Crashes (CTDs) may have various causes, but some of them, especially those happening at init, eg during loading screen, also probably some weird errors with vanilla config breaking loading screen may be fixed by allowing more RAM for Arma 3 (seems, Pilgrimage needs lots of it during initialization due to lots of things to set).

This may be done via -maxmem startup parameter[], for example
-maxmem=6144 if you have at least 8 GB of RAM or even -maxMem=8192 for 16 GB of RAM. Lower value may be sufficient though, not tested. Should be higher, than 2047. In the Arma's own game launcher this parameter may be set in parameters -> advanced.

Same trick may help to reduce greatly initial lag, making initialization much smoother.
Last edited by Rydygier; Aug 15, 2018 @ 12:39pm