Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

The Haunted Hat
NotNihilanth 8 października 2013 o 3:18
Add a glowing effect pls.
I think it make better but more better is new button. "Glowing effect: On/Off"
< >
Wyświetlanie 1-11 z 11 komentarzy
DankSenpai 9 października 2013 o 10:20 
I completely agree, i also think that it shouldn't just be for halloween and differand styles like face expressions on the hat, or maybe that would be too much work XD
andyw386 9 października 2013 o 17:21 
A nice glow would be great, I would love to see that on that hat, would love to see it in the game too.
Gekky 9 października 2013 o 19:34 
I think he tried to make it glow as much as possible already, and the styles should be floating and on the head.
Temora 10 października 2013 o 1:58 
Doing that could be difficult, don't pressure him!
Bip 10 października 2013 o 2:01 
Doesn't it already have a glow? If it doesn't, I think adding would would greatly improve it!
Divided 10 października 2013 o 8:58 
You could have it so the hat speaks when you get a kill or something?
MAWO 10 października 2013 o 11:16 
2 style, glowing and not glowing!
Conqueror Worm 10 października 2013 o 18:39 
Glowing effect would be awesome!
Khioneus 10 października 2013 o 20:44 
Początkowo opublikowane przez ConquerorWorm:
Glowing effect would be awesome!
I agree
Khioneus 10 października 2013 o 20:45 
Początkowo opublikowane przez Killer Instinct:
2 style, glowing and not glowing!
Little Trains 11 października 2013 o 15:19 
AWSOME!! need that glow
< >
Wyświetlanie 1-11 z 11 komentarzy
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