Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

Titanium Collection
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The Titanium Collection is the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ skin set created by Hanzo for the esports organisation Titan
Item (5)
Ditandai Tidak Kompatibel ]  Titanium - AK47
Dibuat oleh Titan
This is the official Titan AK 47 created by Hanzo. It is part of the Titanium Collection alongside a USP-S, M4A1-S, AWP and Deagle....
Ditandai Tidak Kompatibel ]  Titanium - AWP
Dibuat oleh Titan
This is the official Titan AWP created by Hanzo. It is part of the Titanium Collection alongside a USP-S, M4A1-S, AK47 and Deagle....
Ditandai Tidak Kompatibel ]  Titanium - Deagle
Dibuat oleh Titan
This is the official Titan Deagle created by Hanzo. It is part of the Titanium Collection alongside a USP-S, M4A1-S, AWP and AK47....
Ditandai Tidak Kompatibel ]  Titanium - M4A1-S
Dibuat oleh Titan
This is the official Titan M4A1-S created by Hanzo. It is part of the Titanium Collection alongside a USP-S, AK47, AWP and Deagle....
Ditandai Tidak Kompatibel ]  Titanium - USP-S
Dibuat oleh Titan
This is the official Titan USP-S created by Hanzo. It is part of the Titanium Collection alongside a M4A1-S, AK47, AWP and Deagle....