Team Fortress 2
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Idea for teleporter replacement
Sorry if someone's suggested this before... but how about a replacement for the Engineer's teleporter which instead produces a barrier between the two devices, sort of like the Hard Light Bridge in Portal 2? You could place it vertically to make a wall, or horizontally to make a bridge. Maybe when it's in wall mode, it would instead damage players who pass through, so you can't just cut off large swaths of the map?

edit: or maybe instead of damaging players, it could block only projectiles, so it serves as a source of cover?
Автор останньої редакції: ekolis; 27 жовт. 2012 о 12:32
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Показані коментарі 14 із 4
its an interesting idea but im not sure if people would want to get rid of the standard teleporter, also how would you place it verticly?
Maybe if it only blocked enemy shots and not friendly shots it would be more useful? :)

As for placing it vertically, I mean the field projectors would be standing up versus lying on their sides. You wouldn't need to actually place one up in the air :)
How would this be of greater benefit than the teleporter we already have?
It shouldn't be greater, but roughly equal, and I think the ability to provide mobile cover to defend your base is a decent replacement for the ability to assault the enemy base rapidly!
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Показані коментарі 14 із 4
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Опубліковано: 27 жовт. 2012 о 12:28
Дописів: 4