Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Are the mods not usuable on offical servers?
I know this seems like a dumbass question, but I am new to this. Can you only use the mods outside of a official server or is it random.
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Most official servers have sv_pure set to 1, which means it will enforce vanilla gameplay, no matter what mods you have turned on or off. Your best bet for playing with mods since Pinion White Label took over the official stuff is playing on a best available dedicated server. Be careful though, some of the BAD servers have some very weird mods on them, and finding one to your liking can be very hit or miss.
@ Those Dirty Blues-

Yeesh, you ARE a fountain of knowledge. One more question in regards to this topic- my boyfriend and I have played on many "Best Available Dedicated Servers" (some were awesome, some were, as you said, BAD) and we ended up finding one we really liked. So, we joined it (it's called "Bulemic Boomers", I think) but we are noobs at this kind of stuff and don't know how to make a campaign join it. We've read things and no one has been clear enough for us to understand how to get it to work- we can se the server show up in our game, but it looks like it's other people's campaigns, and we just want our own.

Also, we live in the same house and use seperate CPU's, and Local won't connect us! I figure if we just wanted to play duo with mods, we would use Local, correct? It always kicks one of us out... is that normal? Sorry this was so long, you just really seem like you know what's up!
Naposledy upravil Love; 30. led. 2013 v 11.31
☥Fox Boogie☥ původně napsal:
@ Those Dirty Blues-

Yeesh, you ARE a fountain of knowledge. One more question in regards to this topic- my boyfriend and I have played on many "Best Available Dedicated Servers" (some were awesome, some were, as you said, BAD) and we ended up finding one we really liked. So, we joined it (it's called "Bulemic Boomers", I think) but we are noobs at this kind of stuff and don't know how to make a campaign join it. We've read things and no one has been clear enough for us to understand how to get it to work- we can se the server show up in our game, but it looks like it's other people's campaigns, and we just want our own.

Also, we live in the same house and use seperate CPU's, and Local won't connect us! I figure if we just wanted to play duo with mods, we would use Local, correct? It always kicks one of us out... is that normal? Sorry this was so long, you just really seem like you know what's up!

I'm not too familiar with the connection end of servers, I can only give you simple answers.
Some servers have a "playlist" of campaigns they run through. When a campaign is finished, the server will automatically switch to the next campaign. I suspect joining those servers from a lobby is merely a matter of convenient timing.

In regards to the local server, Left 4 Dead 2 is automatically set to enforce consistency. Consistency checks for matching files between the server and the game trying to connect, and will kick for any files the server finds that are different. If you and your boyfriend have different mods, this will probably trigger the server. To get around this, the server host has to type "sv_consistency 0" without quotes into the developer console. Things may get a little funny if either one of you has special scripts or such active, but you should be able to connect.
Thank you very much for your information! I will put it to test tomorrow- playing DC and Champions! Lol! And they playlist part makes sense- we can load into a crap Pionion server, quit, and load into another one just like it. For an hour straight! Lol!

Again, many thanks!
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Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 27. led. 2013 v 17.26
Počet příspěvků: 4