Steam Greenlight
Better Games
I feel that games are starting to get worse and worse and quality but quanity is being abstrained. And the prices seem to get higher and higher.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on CremeCrimson; 6.7.2013 klo 21.36
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In general or just on Greenlight?

If in general its because of nostalgia. Everyrthing was allways better in the old days, just ask any old person.

If on greenlight it is because greenlight is the gatekeeper and earliest quality control. Noone checks the games before they appear on Greenlight as they are submitted directly by the developers and are instantly show to us users.
In general i guess.
Zazxavaxk lähetti viestin:
I feel that games are starting to get worse and worse and quality but quanity is being abstrained.

Ugh, tell me about it, I have seen some horrible garbage come on Steam lately. Valve really needs to start having some sort of standard for quality.

I think nostalgia itself is ruining games, like seriously. People keep coming out with this pixelated garbage because it's the current "in" thing and I am sick of it. I don't have what I am using now so I can play something that looked like it came out in the 1980's.

It's lazy, that's what it is. If these came out in their correct time, they would have been amazing, now they are just lazy, half assed, re-cooked ideas that play up on the whole nostalgia concept.
Ok I share your opinion, but isn´t it cute to see (sometimes) an old nostalgic gameconcept. This old games which you play like hell in your childhood? Although there is a huge wave with this pixelgames these days, under a few titels of garbage there might be a little sweet treasure :)
Magga lähetti viestin:
Ok I share your opinion, but isn´t it cute to see (sometimes) an old nostalgic gameconcept. This old games which you play like hell in your childhood? Although there is a huge wave with this pixelgames these days, under a few titels of garbage there might be a little sweet treasure :)

I don't know what you mean by "cute".

I find a lot of it garbage, undeserving of attention.

There are a lot of "hardcore" games out there, both in the indie scene and in the AAA developers scene that are just jokes.

Hard games for me growing up were a direct result of:

A.) Bad Controls, Poor Programming or limitations of hardware


B.) Well thought out game design

Games like Mega Man, Ghosts N' Goblins and more, were hard, but for a different reason. A lot of these games could be played as a purely action based arcade quality game, but under it's the hood, it had a strange sort of strategy to them. Enemies were presented in waves, there was timing and given enough practice, it was just as much as like playing chess and deciding on what move to make as it was an action platformer.

What do we get these days? Games with an artificial sense of difficulty by simply making enemies bullet sponges, throwing a million enemies at you all at once, or imposing weird, strict rules or regulations, that don't make any sense, even in a video game format.

Cave story was a good, well thought out, indie title, with wonderful pixel based art work. I got no problem with titles like that. They polished it until it was a gleaming gem. But a lot of the indie titles I see are just half hearted, half assed money grabs that lack any sort of real thought or work.

I guess I am becoming more and more biased towards Indie Developers as time goes on. It used to be you could only expect the highest quality from an indie game, these days, it's becoming quite the opposite and when you complain about it, right away people jump your ♥♥♥♥, giving them excuses like lack of a team, budget or experience. If that were the case, then why were other indie games, especially ones done by one man, done so much better? It's an excuse and that's all it is.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Kuehnau; 31.5.2013 klo 4.11
I must admit I spent 3 hours the other day playing Organ Trail and having fun but yes in general they need to keep the 'retro' 'pixelated' crap off Steam.
"(conkers bad fur day N64) best deathmatch/multiplayer"
and roadrash 64 was excellent!
Call of Duty is one huge of example of current garbage
More or less the amount of good games coming out soon is quite low and even worse is the price. It takes $5 to make the disk and the box to hold it and yet stores sell them for $60
Zazxavaxk lähetti viestin:
More or less the amount of good games coming out soon is quite low and even worse is the price. It takes $5 to make the disk and the box to hold it and yet stores sell them for $60
Yeah, it's almost as if they want to pay all those programmers, artists, musicians, designers and other support staff for the years of work they put into creating the game ...and make a profit! The greedy sods!
Skoardy lähetti viestin:
Zazxavaxk lähetti viestin:
More or less the amount of good games coming out soon is quite low and even worse is the price. It takes $5 to make the disk and the box to hold it and yet stores sell them for $60
Yeah, it's almost as if they want to pay all those programmers, artists, musicians, designers and other support staff for the years of work they put into creating the game ...and make a profit! The greedy sods!
Its not much pay if they just reskin and
retexture the game before and make it seem new.
Which games would that be, then?
Zazxavaxk lähetti viestin:
More or less the amount of good games coming out soon is quite low and even worse is the price. It takes $5 to make the disk and the box to hold it and yet stores sell them for $60
After the boxes magically transport themselves to their destination on a rainbow, the shopkeepers happily take no money, as they have no bills themselves, and nothing ever gets taxed.
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Sivua kohden: 1530 50

Lähetetty: 30.5.2013 klo 18.27
Viestejä: 37