Steam Greenlight
Şu öğeyi içeriyor: "DreadOut"
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82 sonuçtan 1 ile 9 arası gösteriliyor
Horror Collection
Koleksiyoncu Nino
Looking for the scariest games on Greenlight? We know you're out there looking. That's why we've compiled a full list that are sure to leave you awake at night. Good news everyone, we now have a 71% Greenlit rate for games in our collection! Found a cool h
Koleksiyoncu Guido Mista
Bacause the Survival Horror is not dead..! Games That deserve to be on Steam
Horror Games
Koleksiyoncu Stevepwm™
Scary Games
League of extraordinary Games
Koleksiyoncu ☠✠☩ Nekator ☩✠☠
A collection of (hopefully) formidable, upcoming games from the strategy/RPG/(Action)-adventure section. -------------------------------------- due to the now easier way to add games this collection should always be more or less at an up to date level! I h
Insane Horror
Koleksiyoncu Derwood Spinks' boys
These are horror games that I and many others would like to play or see more of. I NEED to play games like this.
日本的な要素を含むゲーム(elements of the Japanese game)
Koleksiyoncu tomochan25
Summarizes the elements of the Japan game. Not only overseas games Japan games too often, registered with Greenlight. If you like games trying to vote more and more! 日本的な要素のあるゲームをまとめました。 主に以下のゲームをピックアップしています ・日本のゲームに大きな影響を受けた海外産のゲーム ・日本から世界へと羽ばたこうとするゲーム 海外
Wartinald's Greenlight Collection
Koleksiyoncu Wartinald
Hello! I'm using this collection to track all my favourite games from Steam Greenlight, I encourage you to vote and support all games that you see interesting!
Psyhological Horror
Koleksiyoncu ps58
Психологические хорроры
Horror Master List
Koleksiyoncu Gretch_n
The big list of adventure horror on steam greenlight. *preference toward 3d, Adventure, survival, story driven horror*
Sayfa başına: 9 18 30 
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