Steam Greenlight
포함하는 아이템: "Haunted Memories"
이 검색 쿼리 저장
1-30/48개 항목을 표시 중
Horror Collection
모음집 작성자 Nino
Looking for the scariest games on Greenlight? We know you're out there looking. That's why we've compiled a full list that are sure to leave you awake at night. Good news everyone, we now have a 71% Greenlit rate for games in our collection! Found a cool h
모음집 작성자 Guido Mista
Bacause the Survival Horror is not dead..! Games That deserve to be on Steam
F2P (Free to Play) Collection
모음집 작성자 Zlatan FREE4PLAY :) ~~~###########~~~~##########~~~~~~############~~ ~~############~~~~###########~~~~#############~~ ~~#####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#####~~~~#####~~~#####~~ ~~#####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#####~~~~#####~~~#####~~ ~~######
Insane Horror
모음집 작성자 Derwood Spinks' boys
These are horror games that I and many others would like to play or see more of. I NEED to play games like this.
The Slender Man Collection
모음집 작성자 Hyde
A collection containing any and all games on Steam Greenlight that relate to the Slender Man and/or the mythos surrounding him! Also, anyone interested in seeing the many YouTube series documenting people's encounters with the Slender Man can click on the
Best Games
모음집 작성자 InfiniteXX
Best games in Greenlight
Polskie GRY na STEAMA
모음집 작성자 jan12jan12jan
Pomóżmy polskim produkcjom dostać się na STEAMA
Generals Indie Collections of Urgency
모음집 작성자 General Chaøs™
These all games I have interest in and think will bring good things to steam.Released games will remain so to check new entries just look at the announcements history.Some people like to look through greenlight collections for games they might want to buy
Awesome/Epic Games (Made by epic people)
모음집 작성자 TheBigH
Just Steam® Greenlight™ games that r epic/the best.
Polskie Gry Niezależne
모음집 작성자 1ndie World Crew
Pomóż polskim produkcjom na Steam! Obecność na Steamie dla niezależnych deweloperów bardzo często niezbędna do odniesienia sukcesu. Zachęcamy Was do wspomagania małych rodzimych twórców swoimi głosami. Chcemy Waszymi głosami wspomóc rodzimych twórców i wyk
Games that looks awesome
모음집 작성자 inokillzombies
Games that looks interesting to play. And games that seems to be awesome! :)
The amazing ones. Really. Check them out!
모음집 작성자 Tri. Dedine
Amazing stuff that people should really check out. My personal favourites and so on!
Scary games [Пугающие игры]
모음집 작성자 BiOZAVR
☠ В данной коллекции представлены игры, как уже вышедшие, так те которые еще ждут своего часа. Что бы попугать Вас как следует... ☠ ஐ════════════════════════ஜ۩۞۩ஜ۩۞۩ஜ۩۞۩ஜ══════════════════════ஐ ☠ This collection features the game, as has been released, so
Tiago's Recommendations
모음집 작성자 Zero
Games in my opinion that truly deserve to be on Steam. AND NOW!
Hot Games / Must Have
모음집 작성자 Chaz
A collection of Hot upcoming titles for Great games by cool developers . Must see! Must Greenlight! Must have! On Steam. Thanks. If you're a developer and if you're on my friend list (or I'm on your friend list) and you think you would like to contribute t
Indie Horror
모음집 작성자 TrippyElephantx
Some of the better Indie Horror games out there on the web.
Awesome Games are our future
모음집 작성자 -GEM- Ω Childofdagon
Awesome Games are our future, a personal selection through all cetegories, with a focus on horror/sci-fi, action, shooter, adventure Games. This is our future and i love it. Game on Bro's and Sis's
Free+Achievements from GL
모음집 작성자 kmyc89
Free/F2P games, who get GL and have Achievements. Double win.
Awesome Indie Games Collection
모음집 작성자 Chettie
My collection of my personal favorite games that I feel deserve to be Greenlit. They look to have great gameplay and design, and deserve to get votes! I hope that others who see this list will consider checking out these games as well. I will continue to u
모음집 작성자 /) L I E N K I Y
CPG Nerd Rage Collection
모음집 작성자 Curdle_Sanders
Official Collection of the Podcast Nerd Rage found at The cast hosts scan Greenlight multiples times a day and find the true nuggets in the mound of games that is Greenlight The cast host also try to reach out to developers of g
Queen Chrysalis Collection
모음집 작성자 BIBI ITA
Italiano: Questa è la Mia Collezione e vuol dire che questi videogiochi devono arrivare sul Negozio Steam perchè se lo Meritano. English: This is My Collection and means that these games should arrive on the Steam store because if I deserve.
모음집 작성자 Hanzo
Collection of awesome free to play games I find on Greenlight. What do I mean by awesome? Well I mean games that just make you go:"wow that's cool"(in a stereotypical 13 year old boy voice). I'm looking forward to all of these games. Of course some might d
The Grand Greenlight Collection!
모음집 작성자 Hyde
An optimist is a person who sees a green light everywhere, while a pessimist sees only the red stoplight... the truly wise person is colorblind. - Albert Schweitzer - This is a collection of numerous games currently on Steam Greenlight that I believe deser
Wspieramy Polskie Gry Niezależne
모음집 작성자
Wspierajmy naszych rodzimych twórców! Od samego początku portal pisał i wspierał polskie gry niezależne. Zakładając tą grupę, chcemy pomagać twórcom tych gier, gdyż bez naszej pomocy mogą nie odnieść sukcesu. Oddaj głos, Ciebie nie kosztuje to n
WalBao's greenlight collection
모음집 작성자 WalBao
Here I keep greenlight games that piqued my interest in one way or another. Horror games, simulations, rpgesque stuff, action and indies, the good stuff in general. Multiplayer / co-op is desireable but not necessary.
[ Greenlit an eye #.# ]
모음집 작성자 Dark Riddler 🐭
Some promising / alternative games.
Greenlight Creative
모음집 작성자 Seigo (勝利)
Хочу чтобы выпустили I want to SEE IT
모음집 작성자 KIRIDAN
Ну я сам то тут не участвую в разработке, но вот пытаюсь помочь продвижению других игр.
Recommended Games
모음집 작성자 BreakingPhobias
Games that will entertain, hook and keep you begging for more.
페이지당 표시 개수: 9 18 30 
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