Steam Greenlight
Containing item: "Zafehouse: Diaries"
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Showing 1-28 of 28 entries
IndieDB Greenlight Collection
Collection by IndieDB
The most unique and interesting indie games hand picked by the staff of IndieDB!
Horror Collection
Collection by Nino
Looking for the scariest games on Greenlight? We know you're out there looking. That's why we've compiled a full list that are sure to leave you awake at night. Good news everyone, we now have a 71% Greenlit rate for games in our collection! Found a cool h
The Power Collection
Collection by Palpek
One of the oldest collections on Greenlight - created among the very first 3. Games picked by gaming enthusiasts on SA forums and SA irc channel. Only the best of the best, hand-picked and voted on by the community. Living and frequently updated!
August 28th Batch of Greenlit Titles
Collection by Spitko
This is the collection of titles Greenlit on August 28th, 2013 and offered worldwide distribution via Steam. ===================================== As we work to streamline the publishing workflow and improve the tools available to developers preparing for
League of extraordinary Games
Collection by ☠✠☩ Nekator ☩✠☠
A collection of (hopefully) formidable, upcoming games from the strategy/RPG/(Action)-adventure section. -------------------------------------- due to the now easier way to add games this collection should always be more or less at an up to date level! I h
Procedurally generated games
Collection by class101 [deck]
This collection includes all the procedurally generated games present in Greenlight. At the creation 1600 titles were reviewed and 170 procedurally generated titles were identified. The list receives regular updates. There are many of these titles in the a
IndieFort Countdown Bundle
Collection by echoMateria
IndieFort Countdown Bundle is going live Black Friday 2012. It is made of five separate bundles, a new bundle every week for five weeks. Each bundle is made of four games and priced at $4. For each bundle you buy, the next one will be $1 cheaper. So if you
Roguelike + sandbox + RPG + awesome stuff
Collection by Shustrik
Rogue-like, rpg, sandbox and similar games. Best of the best
Wartinald's Greenlight Collection
Collection by Wartinald
Hello! I'm using this collection to track all my favourite games from Steam Greenlight, I encourage you to vote and support all games that you see interesting!
The best game for you
Collection by долбоебка
A collection of great games for you and for me. Absolutely Different games are completely different genres, styles, manners. lots of variety.
Hot Games / Must Have
Collection by Chaz
A collection of Hot upcoming titles for Great games by cool developers . Must see! Must Greenlight! Must have! On Steam. Thanks. If you're a developer and if you're on my friend list (or I'm on your friend list) and you think you would like to contribute t
My Collection - Greenlight Games
Collection by qtamir1
I am trying to collect the best games that should be on steam or the best games that are already on steam so it is kind of a mix... Enjoy and you are welcome to offer me games to add.
My Fav Greenlight games
Collection by The Gaming Archaeologist
A list of games from Greenlight that are both released and un-released that I believe look really cool and have a lot of potential. This is only opinion based and if you have a game suggestion to add to the list I'll be more than welcome to consider it.
Kato's Picks
Collection by Eddy
A list of games on Greenlight that deserve your vote! Selected by the members of Kato Steam Group.
Collection by RadKit
Stuff I like on greenlight!
Knight Greenlight Selection
Collection by Knight
This is, simply, the list of games that called the attention of a person who have been playing all sort of games since more than 20 years and who seeks quality, originality and, above all, fun. Besides being a "veteran" gamer, I'm a member of the videogame
To Quote The Cranberries 'Zombie, Zombie, Zombie'.
Collection by Nokando
A collection of Zombie games that I am personally looking forward to playing on Steam .... Hopefully!
trachy's Collection
Collection by trachy
Just a collection of games that I think look good.
Collection by Bigguns 93
Dads mess
Collection by meeszt
The best of the best sir!!!!!!!!!
Kamikatze's Greenlight Picks
Collection by MajorGroove
Some Greenlight Games I find interesting.
Zom Zom Zombie
Collection by TonyK
There are too little zombie games on Greenlight. Let's promote them! Go zombies go!
James Indie Eye
Collection by James009
Keep an eye on these exciting indie game titles!
GoodShowSir's Greenlight Collection
Collection by justinleego
Sinphax Collection
Collection by Junset
zombie games
Collection by Leonidias
games involving the zombie apocalypse
Bundled Greenlight titles.
Collection by TKV
Just titles in various Greenlight bundles that i've bought and organised in a neat manner for myself to keep an eye on.
Best games you will ever play,legit!!
Collection by gucciswag705
Per page: 9 18 30