Total War: SHOGUN 2

Total War: SHOGUN 2

A thousand battles, a thousand victories, but are they yours?
Create, discover and download historical battle scenarios, multiplayer maps and the most popular and accomplished mods. Or try out Total War TEd editor to create and upload your own. Click here to learn more.
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Used Mod Lists
Collection by fuwuviヅ
Author's Note - If you like other mods such as Darthmod, Jaki's Unique Factions, or any other overhaul mods. If it is compatible, I would recommend using those mods instead of my AIO mod. In that case, I may consider publishing a version of my AIO mod with
Shogun 2: Eternal Campaign Mode
Collection by Pyro
👹 Shogun 2: Eternal Campaign Mode is a collection of mod that I made to make Shogun 2 gameplay harder and longer than vanilla version!! 👹 For some reason, Steam didn't allow me to upload branding image for this mod collection. But you can just ignore that
Immersive Mods
Collection by fuwuviヅ
Additional Information - This collection serves as a complementary addition to each other. - For more additional information, please refer to the main mod page by following the link provided below. Expanded Japan (More Clans Playable) FAQ - If you are expe
Collection by Phil your divorce attorney
私の名前はウォルター・ハートウェル・ホワイトです。 私は 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104 に住んでいます。これは私の告白です。 あなたがこのテープを見ているなら、私はおそらく死んでいるでしょう – 私の義理の兄弟、ハンク・シュレーダーに殺されました。 ハンクは1年以上にわたって覚せい剤帝国を築き上げ、私を化学者として利用しています。 私が50歳の誕生日を迎えて間もなく、彼は私の化学の知識を使ってメタンフェタミンを調理し、DEAでのキ
Standard campaign with Darthmod (with compatible mods)
Collection by Oddity97
This mod list is designed for the standard campaign with the recommended settings: Difficulty Hard, campaign domination. (As a suggestion start off aggressive as you need multiple settlements to gain the finances to defend/attack also trust no one) Mod loa
Shogun 2 Total War - Mods Full
Collection by Turin's Love-Child
Pilps - The Tokugawa Experience
Collection by Captain TotalViking
The mod list used in The Tokugawa Experience by Pilps's. Worth noting, that at time of writing (2024/05/02) the following mods seems to prevent the game from launching: 12 turns per year - for shogun 2 and rots Weierstrass units for vanilla & The Portugues
Private Collection
Collection by Ye_Hu
Shogun 2 (ROTS & FOTS): Best mods pack
Collection by The Great Sallinger Kaiser
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