Portal 2
25 megjegyzés
МіністерствоБази 2023. febr. 18., 6:00 
the least 2012 map:
roses.to.lilys 2022. dec. 20., 20:03 
so good
triste 白杀 2022. jún. 26., 1:20 
YEAH!!!!!! JUSTIN BEIBER SUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fimmy 2019. szept. 22., 12:20 
best map ever.
GoofyG0rilla 2017. szept. 23., 16:16 
justin bieber is the goat
StrangeSnake 2017. márc. 23., 15:22 
I haven't listened to Justin Bieber for months and this is the real deal. 10/10. :)
Boy 2016. aug. 6., 16:22 
Tyxi 2015. jún. 24., 14:48 
ayy lmao
madman 2015. máj. 24., 14:12 
It says error downloading
Theramanix 2014. máj. 2., 3:56 
PerturbedMestizo 2013. aug. 18., 15:23 
вαтαк 2013. aug. 16., 14:31 
i hope the covenant from HALO GLASS his house and every one in it including him
Triang3l 2013. jún. 29., 4:56 
Oh beiber, beiber, beiber...
predatorslayer 2013. jún. 17., 13:59 
oh please! who dosn't hate justin beiber!
Sirmuffins 2013. jún. 16., 9:45 
best map ever
The Shenzhen Special 2012. jún. 20., 10:53 
ashkan 2012. máj. 9., 7:14 
Dem 2012. máj. 8., 19:08 
Darkside... You just made it like a youtube comment section. You added the final piece: whining.
ImmortalEmperor 2012. máj. 8., 18:13 
What is this, the Youtube comments section? "Hurr hurr, upvote my map because I said Justin Bieber sucks, amirite guys!" Let's get some actual good maps going, not this kind of crap just to get a cheap thumbs up. Besides, all you do with things like this is put Justin Bieber's name out there more. I swear I'd think most of you were his marketers or something trying to get him exposure. NOBODY CARES.
Dem 2012. máj. 8., 16:48 
Best map ever.
June 2012. máj. 8., 16:43 
I'm not too sure who this Justin Beiber guy is, but I like your use of the portal surfaces! XD
Flamov 2012. máj. 8., 16:22 
10/10 would beiber fever again
HACKFRAUD 2012. máj. 8., 16:18 
This is the only good map on the workshop so far!
Gnarl Custav 2012. máj. 8., 15:49 
Where r da caek n arrow in da nii jokes??? MarphitimusBlackimus, you so silly.
GREFFRUS 2012. máj. 8., 14:23 
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