Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

Smess: The Ninny's Chess!
7 commenti
Ben McLean  [autore] 30 ott 2023, ore 11:56 
Somehow I didn't notice that guy back in 2015 saying he could make the 3D models. But if he really wanted to, then surely he could Google what the pieces looked like.
CR4YCR4Y 14 mar 2015, ore 17:59 
I've already sent you something on Reddit but I'm going to tell you the same stuff here. I'm okay at 3d modeling, not "good" by any stretch of the imagination, but I could make simple pieces with reference images. Get in touch if you're interested!
Ben McLean  [autore] 12 lug 2014, ore 22:31 
Silent Hunter, yeah, I could, but that's lame. I think the standard chess pieces are actually better than doing it that way.
Kavus Kazian 12 lug 2014, ore 12:20 
You could add 'custom figures' with pictures of the figurines on them.
Ben McLean  [autore] 11 lug 2014, ore 15:19 
It is technically possible to add the models but I'd need to find someone with a 3D scanner to scan them or else get much better at 3D modelling than I currently am.
primoaurelius 11 lug 2014, ore 14:48 
fun fun
Kavus Kazian 7 giu 2014, ore 9:59 
They added custom model support, so you could add the original models if you can do OBJ.