Portal 2

Portal 2

Brother's Keepers - Pt 1
40 kommenttia
xd 25.3.2021 klo 5.11 
pasted map disgusting shit bad networking resim
ChrisLP 21.1.2020 klo 7.24 
EXCELLENT MAP! Much fun and suffering combined, thank you so much, specially for not having checkpoints/autosave.
SocksAreCool 17.1.2019 klo 13.42 
This map could use some checkpoints.
Also the left button was completely pointless. Decent effort
Patient siraP 17.1.2019 klo 13.42 
Impressive custom designs, quite unimpressive level progress unfortunately. Needs improvement.
JustB4DW0LF 28.11.2018 klo 7.44 
Habe part 1 & 2 mit nem Freund im Live Stream Gespielt, wir sind an unsere Grenzen gekommen
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iz7EBZcxSTQ denoch verdammt gut gemacht Richtig nice arbeit
Anon 14.10.2018 klo 2.27 
I love the design of the map, although the jaws of death makes me scared.
Kalinka 28.8.2017 klo 8.01 
Really cool map! :p2chell::p2cube::p2wheatley:
BlondieBoii 20.5.2017 klo 10.18 
Spudz 13.5.2016 klo 17.05 
SaltyFrog 23.11.2015 klo 14.01 
how do i start it with my friend?
not-paradiser 15.6.2015 klo 8.10 
Great. The crusher keeps hitting that ground. Now I'm about to deaf.
Garunas 15.10.2013 klo 9.12 
Awesome test chamber :) Could you try mine? http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=180312984
Dave 29.7.2013 klo 6.03 
nice but if you fail in middle you have to repeat same thing again and again :P but nice level :)
TheLUCKYfighter 20.6.2013 klo 6.17 
I see that you're new to hammer but if you keep practicing you'll become better and better. I saw that you wrote down that you can't make safe points, but in hammer you can do everything the creators could do, so you can alsow add safe points. But a good map for the start :)
Moysey89 9.6.2013 klo 4.35 
hi guys! did a walkthrou of this awesome map: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOkC-jUvums hope you all enjoy
Dredd 4.5.2013 klo 23.59 
Nobody No-One 4.5.2013 klo 5.17 
It will be clean, you will have to retexture it to fit the style.
Nobody No-One 4.5.2013 klo 5.17 
It is very easy to add coop save points. Download the instance from TWP: Marlow's Coop Airlock (something like that) and put it in your map. It will be a room between chambers that saves your game.
Nobody No-One 4.5.2013 klo 5.15 
OK. Just a suggestion, what style is this in, destroyed or old aperture? Because I'm seeing a lot of destroyed textures.
Lord Spike  [tekijä] 3.5.2013 klo 18.55 
yeah, PTI to Hammer... in PTI i can focus on the puzzles itself much better, 'cause i'm kinda new to Hammer (workin' with Hammer since maybe 4 weeks now). i hope to release a made-from-scratch map soon :)
Nobody No-One 3.5.2013 klo 18.26 
PTI to hammer?
Obliterex 3.5.2013 klo 17.20 
Found a game breaker on the last stretch with the bridge - you can walk around the entire spikes-of-death section if your partner stands on the bridge button and walk carefully along the outer edge, then you can portal them over to you.
doomboy 3.5.2013 klo 14.16 
Badd ass level of awesome sauce! Thoroughly enjoyable and a nice little bit of challenge to keep it fresh and interesting! Looking forward to playing part 2. Love Henry of CoopCrowd! 9/10 CROWNS!!!
moneykid 3.5.2013 klo 14.15 
was awesome, my erection goes out to you!
Izzy_margueretta 3.5.2013 klo 13.44 
too hard
Lord Spike  [tekijä] 3.5.2013 klo 0.26 
sure you can make videos for YouTube :)
My Name is John Daker 2.5.2013 klo 23.30 
Is it alright if we make a series on this for MechanicLION on YouTube?<3
Lizard Wizard 2.5.2013 klo 21.36 
This is an extremely frustrating map that is really hard to tell what happens when you hit buttons. It isn't challenging, its just annoying.
Lanceorino 2.5.2013 klo 14.50 
Lord Spike  [tekijä] 2.5.2013 klo 12.52 
just hit the green button above, start portal 2 and the map should be shown at "community maps" > "cooperative"...
yeah, it's really that easy :)
Notíce 2.5.2013 klo 12.34 
I'm nooby at this stuff how do i get it to play it?
Lanceorino 1.5.2013 klo 13.04 
Hey I'm very new to steam @Lord Spike Mind telling mr how to get this in my game?
Сарен Артериус 30.4.2013 klo 10.08 
how you made ​​this map? 0_о please tell me
koso 29.4.2013 klo 21.09 
@Lord Spike just add a trigger to A new dropper for the players
Lord Spike  [tekijä] 29.4.2013 klo 18.23 
i'm really sorry for that inconvenience, but as far as i know (correct me if i'm wrong) there is no possibility to implement save points for coop maps... unfortunately.
for the sequel of this map i've added shortcut-tunnels, which you can open after reaching a specific spot. thanks for that suggestion :)
H@rryB@llz 29.4.2013 klo 9.18 
I don´t like that you have to start all over again, everytime one player is dying. You should implement shortcuts.
Lord Spike  [tekijä] 28.4.2013 klo 19.06 
thx, so glad to see you like this map :)
and sure - you can use this for a video... you can link it right here :)
--- 28.4.2013 klo 12.58 
Can i use this for a youtube video?
keroblin 28.4.2013 klo 7.58 
Lav 28.4.2013 klo 7.58 
awesome map! we got stumped a bit, but we figered it out soon enough! 10/10!