Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Stray Cat
21 opmerkingen
✿ Miss Flapper ✿ 2 sep 2013 om 15:45 
this looks nothing like a cat
Arc sharc 26 jan 2013 om 21:53 
please make him a leather jacket to go with i love this so much!
Sorcerer 25 jan 2013 om 20:23 
+rated because of that flawless description!
Merc 25 jan 2013 om 3:33 
I want to so much as misc: 3
Vector Impulse 21 jan 2013 om 9:11 
looks cool. Needs to have the little quafts be flexable on LOD 1. Just a little bit
Magnesium Based Lifeform 20 jan 2013 om 19:53 
Stray cat strut, imma stray cat
nice hat tho
MisterFace  [auteur] 20 jan 2013 om 14:25 
@Syperme {CoW} B-day :3 I'm pretty sure that's a byproduct of all the extra polys of the HWM models in SFM. I modeled the hat around the in-game engineer model and it looks fine in itemtest.
techniik_ 20 jan 2013 om 13:51 
Syper 19 jan 2013 om 22:47 
I think you need to smooth out the goggles on the hair, it looks like if he has no hair underneath the goggle. As well you might want to make the hair a bit more reflective/glossy as if he applied some hair spray. Otherwise it's good =)
Gewähren 19 jan 2013 om 14:38 
This is one high quality hat. Good luck.
TheLonelyDonut 19 jan 2013 om 6:49 
I think this should be implemented just because of the end of the video.
(and the fact that it's jive as hell)
Greasehound 18 jan 2013 om 8:36 
I approve of this 100%. A cool cat doesn't need a full up pompadour to get the chicks (kills), nor will he get any jive by doin' what the others are doing all the time. It's different, the engi needs different styles and stuff. I'd love it, so to you, ǝɔɐɟuʍopǝpısdn ˙ɹɯ's, slap me some skin for being interesting within the commuinty of something we call, TF2:Hat Simulator. Valve, come on, add this. You won't regret it. Please, Valve! I'll be your best friend if you add this to the game!
Skatomic_Bomb 17 jan 2013 om 13:30 
Ah, I got ya. Maybe that's where I'm missing it. It's showing up more as a larger comb-over rather than a quiff. LOL, not sure why people are thinking it's an extended hairline, but it does look like one :) Overall, good job...just tossing in my two internet cents. TC!
MisterFace  [auteur] 17 jan 2013 om 12:52 
@jboogie313 it's a quiff, not a pompadour. I was trying not to make it look like the hound dog hat. Also, why does everybody think the Engineer has an extended hairline? I thought I was stretching it too far as it is.
Skatomic_Bomb 17 jan 2013 om 12:24 
It's not a bad style, but I wouldn't put it in with a "stray cat" nomenclautre. If you're going for a pompadour type look make that thing a REAL pompadour. Not a bad start, but could be improved with raising and extending the front and generally smoothing out the sides and back.
Scrawny Davy 16 jan 2013 om 13:23 
Much better than the krampus set, you've quite improved :D
PROFILE NAME 16 jan 2013 om 6:20 
Might just be SFM, but I think you need a normal map/doing some fixes on the smoothing groups. Some faces seem kind of flat. Otherwise 10/10 would allow to serenade and then sardine
PROFILE NAME 16 jan 2013 om 6:17 
I love it!
Strike a「POSE」 15 jan 2013 om 17:01 
not my cup of tea but it's well done
zach :) 15 jan 2013 om 14:33 
move the hairline up to cover the stubble
TheRealWarrior 15 jan 2013 om 13:56 
good item... but seriously u need to raise the Depth of Field samples at maximum... that's what cause that "grain" effect on the shadows!