Portal 2
Shifting Walls
9 comentário(s)
SuperChaosKG 2/dez./2012 às 10:57 
Saw a hallway to the exit. Thought I was done.

It's NEVER that easy in Portal 2.

Chaotically Complete!
Mr Fraggle (UK) 19/nov./2012 às 5:30 
There is something insanely satifying about bouncing turrets all over the place, that is why I used the blue gel,great stuff. Fun map.
mistmurk 18/nov./2012 às 5:33 
If you want the player to need the blue gel, put a fizzler in front of the turrets. Otherwise, great puzzle!
I would love feedback on one of mine: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=103407153
Yavie 17/nov./2012 às 14:47 
Nice map, although I'm not sure what the blue gel was for... I didn't use it.
KIRBYTIME 16/nov./2012 às 17:13 
Good chamber. Very fun. However, if you could choose a place to autosave it would be after the first puzzle chamber.
Hellraiser 16/nov./2012 às 16:35 
Firstly, love the small hallway trick. I saw the panels but I wasn't expecting that!

Secondly, in the area that Death's Last Wish is talking about, I NEARLY got stuc in the panel behind the player.

Thirdly, you should hide the antlines of some items. That way it'll be much more unexpected.
Auden  [autor(a)] 14/nov./2012 às 11:02 
Death's Last Wish - Thanks, and I'll have a look at that glitch.
Shart Infested Water 14/nov./2012 às 10:53 
Loved the first part! The boucne gel was fun too!
Shart Infested Water 14/nov./2012 às 10:49 
There's a glitch on the second weighted button. I got stuck in a wall and had to start over.