Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

Tanks Playground
Affichage des entrées 1-9 sur 9
Mis à jour le : 4 sept. 2017 à 1h02


Please note:
The addon system doesn't allow versions with two decimals.
This is why the version number jumped directly from 2.9 to 3.0 and not 2.10.

- No more crash when joining a coop game in progress
- Sorry about that!

Mis à jour le : 30 mai 2016 à 11h20

- Updated my continuous integration script to include automatic cubemap and strings dictionary building
- No more crash when joining a game in progress
- Sorry about that!

Mis à jour le : 29 mai 2016 à 11h39

- Fixed the lag occuring at restart

- Added a fence at stage 4 to disallow access to ammo before the stage has started
- Stage 5 now has a 3 minutes time limit after which tanks will spawn closer to survivors
- Records have been reset

Mis à jour le : 24 déc. 2013 à 5h32

Coop: Tweaked nav to fix regressions from the EMS by Valve
Survival: Stage 7: fixed elevator timings, infected don't drop from the tower hole until the sub is ready ; removed stools. Stage 1: new infected ladder on the glass tower, active when tower opens

Mis à jour le : 25 mai 2013 à 10h45

Coop: fixed minor nav issues, changed some tiny bits of architecture, fixed an exploit at the crates on pillars island (thanks Le Phoenix & Friends)
Survival: fixed the infected coming down the hole too early at stage 7, minor nav issues

Mis à jour le : 2 mai 2013 à 12h38

Coop : added grenade launchers, fixed some navs, expanded platform near pillars island, lasers at start
Survival : better directions to vault, infected can come down the hole
Versus : added cars & dumpster, new infected ladders

Mis à jour le : 3 mars 2013 à 9h46

Mis à jour le : 3 mars 2013 à 9h45


Mis à jour le : 17 janv. 2013 à 23h24

First version on the Workshop