Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

Color Generator
Showing 1-10 of 17 entries
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Update: Jul 12, 2018 @ 12:51pm

Thanks to CaitSith2, he:
+Added yield return "antitroll",
+Fixed the auto solver,
+Added needyend (again),
+Added mire status light stuff!

Update: Jul 10, 2018 @ 10:11pm

Becuase of how "Twitch commands =/= Defuser steps", Color Generator Twitch commands are changed from "!1 submit 123 123 123" to "!1 press bigred 1, bigblue 2, smallred 1, etc". Fixed the PDF manual thing, removed the "needyend" command since
I didn't know how to stop the audio XD, and added a tellmeastory command. It tells you a short story through the display. I added UseRedOnSolve and UseOffOnSolve commands like in Morse-A-Maze, and the help message is now:
```"Submit a color using \"!{0} press bigred 1,smallred 2,biggreen 1,smallblue 1\" !{0} press <buttonname> <amount of times to push>. If you want to be silly, you can have this module change the color of the status light when solved with \"!{0} press smallblue UseRedOnSolve\" or UseOffOnSolve. You can make this module tell a story with !{0} tellmeastory, make a needy sound with !{0} needystart, fake strike with !{0} faksestrike, and troll with !{0} troll"```

Update: May 11, 2018 @ 8:56pm

Fixed an embarassing mistake that softlocks the game.

Update: May 6, 2018 @ 2:24pm

If you input more than 255 for a button, the module will strike, and reset. Also, I removed the camera shaker at the end.

Update: Apr 28, 2018 @ 8:35pm

Solving sequence is now way faster. the troll command, made the module play the strike sound when dealing with the fakestrike command, and added two more commands ;)

Also, you can no longer submit in hexadecimal. Sorry CaitSith2 :(

Update: Apr 18, 2018 @ 7:43pm

Fixed the fakestrike command (I think). Removed the fake status light. (Status light will now be green at the end instead of the desired color.) The solving sequence now randomly generates the color for the display from a range from 255, and the amount of time that has elapsed instead of 100 and amount of time elapsed. To avoid making the sequence longer, it's now twice as fast. I also removed some unused code I forgot to remove :P

Update: Apr 15, 2018 @ 9:33am

Status light now displays the desired color after solved! DEFNITELY didn't cover the status light with a gameobject!!!

Update: Apr 10, 2018 @ 4:23pm

Fixed some TP stuff.

Also, goodnight Timwi.

Update: Apr 8, 2018 @ 8:22pm

Several things have changed. Troll command press 25 of each button instead of 50, !colorgenerator solve now starts a solve sequence instead of just turning the status light green, solving sequence now takes 5 seconds, and the display also changes color, and after the module is solved, the camera will shake. I also updated the preview image on the Steam Workshop. FINALLY I finished this update.

Update: Apr 6, 2018 @ 5:16pm

Something ;)