Portal 2
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TwP 2 - Directed Fling
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21 czerwca 2012 o 10:22
6 lutego 2013 o 9:01
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TwP 2 - Directed Fling

W 1 kolekcji stworzonej przez .sheridan .vespo
Thinking with Portals
Przedmioty: 10
Hopping from one place to another can become quite complicated!

This episode of Thinking with Portals is about flinging in unusual directions using angled panels.
Komentarzy: 17
.sheridan .vespo  [autor] 12 maja 2013 o 4:01 
Good job then! The deadly goo is not actually deadly because I placed grating above it, whereever you would need it for the intended solution.
Prototype 11 maja 2013 o 21:42 
Solved...Once. I am unable to repeat my solution which involved the same first fling as the one in the video and a second fling with a portal on the central angled panel and a portal on the wall with the entrance in the top left corner, that flung me to the exit But it is unreliable, thanks to the difficulty of entering an angled portal and maintaining angular momentum.

I like the concept, but the environment (deadly goo) doesn't lend itself to the number of tries required to solve the level.
.sheridan .vespo  [autor] 3 maja 2013 o 6:41 
What you are referring to is commonly known as a "skill map", which this isn't. If it were I would say so in the description. For one of those you should see my "Fling Styles" series.
Prototype 3 maja 2013 o 2:55 
This one has me stumped, does the intended solution involve portalling very quick while moving through portals? I'll keep trying...
.sheridan .vespo  [autor] 6 lutego 2013 o 8:45 
@Mothalius: All the speedrunner tricks Goose showed me are fixed now, please tell me, whether you can still find more tricks, because if you do, I don't know them. And I am always wanting to learn new techniques!
.sheridan .vespo  [autor] 6 lutego 2013 o 8:39 
Well, not possible any more ;-) Try again!
Metzger Ben | GER 11 grudnia 2012 o 3:26 
I'm pretty sure my last fling is not the intended solution. I did not understood a couple of things in that chamber. First the faithplate in the goo area and secondly how I could use the portalenabled angled walls in the middle. I assumed I had to use them like the first redirected airmove. Well I was not able to do that.

So I came up with the direct fling to the 2nd switch plattform. And after that I checked which might be an intended way to the exit. No idea, but I experimented with the point of impact at the wall if the momentum would be enough to fling me over to the exit. It was not. So I looked futher for a way to get there. And then I remebered my good old Quake days. One bunnyhopp and I was there.

My solution: http://youtu.be/R3tRaVKhG60
.sheridan .vespo  [autor] 2 października 2012 o 1:59 
There is always this dilemma between "normal" people on Portal who do "normal" stuff and those, who can just fling themselves in ways I couldn't perform.
How strong to I have to limit myself in terms of design, only to be sure no speedrunner can cheat this map? I think, that if I removed all the surfaces unnecessary for solving this map the intended way, it would look so incredibly bad, that I would be ashamed to publish it.
Moth 1 października 2012 o 22:43 
Thumbs down, this is a speed runners dream. With quick portaling, you can solve this chamber many different ways and all very quick and easy. I`m not really sure where the test was in this test chamber, but it wasn`t walking through the exit door. Remove a lot of the portalable walls, and maybe it would be better.
Goose 29 lipca 2012 o 14:59 
Here is a video with a couple extra solutions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyltlO4RoZ0

Some of those same ideas can be used to reach the exit platform also.