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Dangerously Unlethal

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Dangerously Unlethal

En 2 colecciones creadas por ella
Ella's Collective Collection
54 artículos
Best of the Test(s)
19 artículos
Cave here. Chariots chariots. The lab boys just informed me that this upcoming test is a result of numerous employee protests that the tests were... let's see here... (paper rustling)... "unsafe". Alright, I don't know where you people got your education, but everyone knows that safe Science isn't really Science. That's why I've just added a laser to this puzzle. Let's see how you overly cautious weirdos fare against one-and-a-half degree burns.
124 comentarios
Sophronius 23 FEB 2020 a las 6:41 p. m. 
had fun doing it!
SCHMUTZyyy 22 DIC 2019 a las 1:14 p. m. 
had fun
gibber 27 ENE 2019 a las 9:19 p. m. 
I might have skipped a few steps but I made it to here.
diesucherin 12 ABR 2018 a las 11:49 a. m. 
It´s not dangerous but easy - what a fun!
Petutski 2 ABR 2017 a las 5:58 a. m. 
Another fun map. Thanks!
jeanpants024 22 DIC 2014 a las 3:46 a. m. 
im assuming the frankencube was just for show?

and the companion cube and the second faith plate were unnecessary as you can get to the light bridge by just using portals
Down_The_Hatch 14 DIC 2014 a las 10:23 a. m. 
Very polished, and well done.
xiaosha 22 ABR 2014 a las 7:54 p. m. 
The elements themselves don't contribute to the difficulty. Like in the basement where you stick the ball in the light funnel. The funnel didn't need to be there at all. Too contrived. I'm sure you can do much better! The surprise dropout was pretty cool though, props for that one. 40 puzzle + 25 style = 65/100.
phoxin 20 FEB 2014 a las 8:09 a. m. 
Looks daunting to start with but was actually fairly easy. I'm sure a lot of work went into making this, It felt really smooth and polished, great job.
PsychoBR 9 NOV 2013 a las 2:58 p. m. 
Awesome puzzle. Very funny. Thanks.
I recorded my gameplay (valve DEM file format): Download [dl.dropboxusercontent.com]. Comments inside video.

:p2orange: Turrets highly explosive. Handle with care :p2blue: