Portal 2
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2015 Maps
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Please don't play this. It's bad.
아이템 (8)
Gels and Lasers
제작자 HugoBDesigner
My first test. I was mostly playing around with it, so yeah... I'd consider it as a Medium chamber......
Funnel Island
제작자 HugoBDesigner
Solve this puzzle while confined in part of the chamber... Well, actually, in the end, you DO exit, but still......
The Return - Rebuilt
제작자 HugoBDesigner
An attempt to recreate some puzzles from the Minecraft map "Portal 2: The Return", made by me. It is made of 3 chambers about redirecting lasers......
Concepts of Doors
제작자 HugoBDesigner
**THIS IS NOT A PUZZLE!** A few possible ways of making doors with the features from the Level Editor......
Concept of AND
제작자 HugoBDesigner
WARNING: THIS IS NOT A PUZZLE! I"m pretty sure someone may have already posted AND gates on the Workshop, but, either way, here's a simple way of doing this by using lasers. The cool thing is that, arranged in the correct way, you can have the indicator li...
Just Die Already (concept demo)
제작자 HugoBDesigner
A series of co-op puzzles in which it is ESSENTIAL that you die at one point. As they say, "death is an important part of life', so why not of testing as well? Difficulty: Easy...
Just Die Already #1
제작자 HugoBDesigner
Death is an important part of life, and now exploited for science! It's time for Aperture to finally explore the effects of death in testing... Difficulty: Medium...
A cube at a time
제작자 HugoBDesigner
New puzzle elements and tricky solutions to a puzzle that require that you use the right boxes at the right places. Getting all four will get you out....