Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

즐겨찾기 해제
"Clean, optimised graphical update for CS:GO.
All features have been correctly aligned to the nearest pixel, aswell as am imerging design overhall to improve the visability and usability of the game.

Features include:
- Health and Armor (Shadow, cleaned health bar, added new icons, smoothed animation)
-> Added damage taken notification
- Weapons and Ammo (Cleaned alignment, smoothed animation, added shadows)
- HUD Alerts (Added shadow, dynamically adjusts width/height to fit content)
- HUD Defuse/Hostage (Moved to circle progressbar, removed hide animation)
-> Added percentage complete calculation
- Radar (Adjusted to align to pixels, changed font)
- Location (Added stronger background and added a drop shadow)
- Money (cleaned animation, changed fonts, added drop shadow)
- HUD Notice (Added shadow, dynamically adjusts width/height to fit content)

댓글 9
Tabz 2013년 7월 21일 오전 11시 33분 
awesome hud. where can i get it
Bob Totanji 2013년 7월 20일 오전 7시 40분 
o.m.g wow i need invites
OH!l3oy! 2013년 7월 20일 오전 3시 26분 
how do i get this HUD?
Adwokat 2013년 7월 19일 오전 8시 23분 
Maxaki 2013년 7월 18일 오전 6시 07분 
I would use it.
'Reverential 2013년 7월 17일 오후 8시 09분 
i'd use some elements of this hud . .not all. . .some from right.gui and some from competitive
monsta! 2013년 7월 15일 오후 3시 15분 
looks very nice, but imo the textboxes above the players shouldn't be opaque or so big, they take too much space (and sight!)
otoris 2013년 7월 15일 오후 1시 25분 
I'd use it... I like the clock.
emmekitten 2013년 7월 15일 오전 11시 13분 
Looks pretty neat =)