Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition

116 人が評価
Germanic Tribes - Just Tribesmen
タグ: mod, Units
151.830 MB
2014年4月2日 23時10分
2018年10月12日 15時48分
27 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Germanic Tribes - Just Tribesmen

Just Tribesmen contains the units from the Germanic Tribes mod for Germanic & Celtic factions for campaign and custom battles.


Version: 2.8 (Emperor Edition) / works till Patch 'Rise of the Republic'

Just Tribesmen is the slim version of the Germanic Tribes mod and behaves like every other custom unit pack. You can have both versions, without any problem, but should only play with one at a time.
Switching in a running campaign between the Just Tribesmen and Campaign versions is not advisable.


* all units of the Germanic Tribes mod for both Campaigns and Custom Battle

Please understand, that this is just a sub-mod done on request, for folks that liked the unit variety, but wanted to have more flexibility with other mods.
From my side that is a gift that is given as is, as I do not use it for myself.
If you need more flexibility or need something changed for whatever reason, feel free to patch or customize it yourself.

The Germanic Tribes mod circumvents the Custom Battle crash by disabling automated AI armies.
So you are able to have multiple unit mods enabled for Custom Battle, but you will have to customize the armies for AI opponents yourself (or load a saved army-setup). This does not effect compatibility with campaign recruitment (regarding mods) or the game play.

If you should encounter a bug/glitch, have a question, please report it in the sub-thread in the main-mod here: Germanic Tribes
All support will be done there.

A compiled region and building requirement guide (so that you do not have to look at the slideshow) has been done by Russell and you can find it here, otherwise you will find a simple text-version for your desktop here.

Thank you and have fun!

~ Ryan
17 件のコメント
Ryan  [作成者] 2020年12月22日 8時43分 
Thanks for reminder. Just clicked the update - button.
piroLUV 2020年12月22日 5時47分 
Update this mod ? please
skilur 2020年11月3日 0時32分 
For Ryan
The mod does not work correctly. Of the whole variety of units, AI only recruits 1-2 units. I tried to fix it. It seems to have worked out, but as soon as AI begins to recruit other units, the game immediately crashes. Perhaps the problem is that many units have incorrect skins (with holes instead of armor). But I'm tired of trying to revive this mod
Ryan  [作成者] 2020年10月25日 12時02分 
Update wihtout- changes - my launcher tells me it is updated on Steam I do not see this.
So - you tell me - if that version shows as updated or not.^^
Did no changes. The main-mod seem to have issues with being out-dated.
Tested both versions - they work fine at my end. But you tell me. :)
Ryan  [作成者] 2020年9月1日 8時01分 
Then they changed something. If meshes are not displayed, something is wrong with linked files. You have to know the unit and then look it up. As I said I have no time for that atm. It should work till "Rise of the Republic". You are aware that this is a slim version of the mod "Germanic Tribes"? Just saying.^^ I dont know what they updated. CA did in the past changes that were not documented anywhere and you had to figure that out on your own if something went wrong. I assume, but what I read here that something like this happend. That is why I say: I have atm no time for that. Because I have to understand what they did there to fix it.^^ If you know what I mean... and TW is not the only game I mod.
skilur 2020年9月1日 4時51分 
Ryan [создатель]
All I managed to do was change the number of units in the squad to 160. Now the armies of the Germans in a single battle look more impressive and diverse. There are two more problems with this mod. Some Germans have a hole on their chest (some kind of skin is not drawn), I thought it was a conflict with some similar mod, I turned off all the mods except this, but the hole did not disappear anywhere, so the problem is in this mod. And the second problem is that one squad of vandal swordsmen does not appear in a single battle at all. Instead of units, green circles are burning on the grass. I tried to cut out this unit altogether, but it is spelled out many times and I'm afraid I'll just ruin the mod. I had to make the number of units in this detachment 0. And make a limitation in the recruitment of this detachment 1. If I knew a little better in mod building, I would have made it myself. If it's not difficult, help me to revive it
skilur 2020年9月1日 4時07分 
Ryan [создатель]
Thanks for the advice. I will try to look in which buildings the units are hired and compare with other playable mods. I'm playing patch 17, is this the problem? Although other older modifications only work well for this problem. I really like the units, so I can't find a solution to how to revive this mod
Ryan  [作成者] 2020年9月1日 1時16分 
Maybe that is because you use the Just Tribesmen. I only tested it with the "main-version" and made that version here, because people asked me for it.
Can be - that Germanic factions maybe recruit without restrictions "worse". I played - Germanics, and Celts and Brits and it was for me a normal game.
I honestly do not know. MAYBE - maybe - I have to update the mod.
Maybe they changed the recruitment again and use a new entry - with an update.
They did something like that before. That can be the reason - but for that I would need to look inside the game and the mod - and atm I have no time for that.
Look that the correct buildings are linked with the units. That is mostly the problem if AI does not recruit something. Maybe they changed the building-names - I do not know.
skilur 2020年8月31日 21時36分 
Ryan [создатель]
I worked on this mod for several days. The units are very high quality, but the problem is that the AI does not want to recruit them and the Suebi faction itself very quickly dies without developing. Can you tell me what is wrong with this mod? I compared it with other mods, like everything is still spelled out, I can not understand what the problem is
ancensan 2020年5月20日 11時15分 
germanic tribes-just tribesmen modification is the only one loaded in the game, therefore there are no conflicts with other mods