Portal 2
150 人が評価
Chapter 2: Aperture's Inner Workings Part 3 (The tunnels of Aperture)
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2012年10月12日 8時47分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Chapter 2: Aperture's Inner Workings Part 3 (The tunnels of Aperture)

Spamfan Gaming 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Portal 2: The Aftermath
19 アイテム
This is the 3rd part of Chapter two of my new collection: PORTAL 2: THE AFTERMATH.
In this portion of atempting to get back to the main testing area, the player will have to navigate through tunnels, use momentum, and think with portals to reach the next area. Near the beggining, you will have to use conversion( white portal ) gel to get the player through the first tunnels. Tell mif if you FIND THE HIDDEN COMPANION CUBE AND BRING IT AS CLOSE TO THE EXIT AS YOU CAN in the comments. Just don't incinerate it D:

At beggining (Ignore the elvator and cave Johnson):
WARNING: CORE OVER HEATING, please rema-(White Noise)___
*Very large explosion is heard from the distance
*Noise of metal crashing down

At the end:
Ignore the elevator and Cave Johnson.

Say in the comments if you found the hidden companion cube and brought it to the exit (completely)!
4 件のコメント
Spamfan Gaming  [作成者] 2012年10月27日 9時21分 
Thanks, yeah, it was not really supposed to be a maze :P haha. This was sort of a map for tunnel lovers anyways : ) THat is ifne if you don't like it, and yeah, I did not mean for it to be very hard to navigate through though anyways. Thanks though =)
Innocentive 2012年10月27日 4時14分 
I'm not a big fan of mazes ... in Portal 2 that is. But I had the feeling that maze wasn't too tough, I made it to the exit quite fast ... but that may just have been fool's luck. Anyhow, I destroyed the CC on my way out...
Spamfan Gaming  [作成者] 2012年10月12日 8時48分 
Also please leave comment simply for feedback, thanks!
Spamfan Gaming  [作成者] 2012年10月12日 8時48分 
Leave a comment if you brought the compaion cube all of the way to the end or you found it!