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Walking in Circles - 001
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2012. júl. 8., 8:24
2012. júl. 11., 14:57

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Walking in Circles - 001

Pushed the first button to activate the bridge, cross over to push the second button; Simple? You'll learn there's more to it then that. Good luck!

Difficulty: Sneaky

Easter Egg: There's a companion cube hidden in the map, can you find it?

Addz, buttons, reflection, lazers, ray, bounce, glide, fly

#F4F: Feel free to rate, comment and I will return the favor on one of your maps. :^)
11 megjegyzés
MachManX 2012. aug. 5., 14:35 
Stumped. Dunno what to do. Got across the bridge, got the laser cube to activate two switches. Now don't know what to do.
.cry 2012. júl. 14., 1:18 
Challenging, and it's got a very cool look to it.
Bober RS 2012. júl. 14., 1:08 
Here are places and situations that I can't escape from (it forces me to kill myself or restart):
all holes and insets in walls if it's possible to get there
bouncing off faith plates without funnel nor angled panel at the ceiling
turret room without cube
turret room when I abandon funnel

I hope I didn't omit anything
Addz  [készítő] 2012. júl. 13., 8:14 
New chamber been built, check it out and give feedback. Many thanks!
Addz  [készítő] 2012. júl. 11., 15:13 
Update to Walking in Circles - 001...
1) Moved the angled panel above exit by one block for easier access to perform portal jump.

2) Added a new path near the turret room just the starting point to gain access to faith plate instead of using tractor beam path as in the original concept.

3) Added an Easter Egg: A companion cube is hidden somewhere in the chamber

New chambers are now availble to play!
'Rain Drops - 001': http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=81084658
'Rain Drops - 002': http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=81389003
Coming Soon - 'Compass Point - 001'
Addz  [készítő] 2012. júl. 11., 13:48 
@Bober RS - The concept of this chamber forces the test subject back to the path it once started on; like returning back to the light bridge again. Hence, the title for this chamber - 'Walking in Circles'

Where abouts that can't you return from?
Bober RS 2012. júl. 11., 11:37 
Ok, I've done this. It really requires cuteness and I had to view the chamber carefully. I know I can use quick save, but this map is... far too deadly! There are plenty of places that have no exit and plenty of situations that force me to kill myself (the simplest example is "walking in circles"). Idea is good and level gives joy, but from every place should be (even awkward) way back.
Addz  [készítő] 2012. júl. 11., 5:43 
@Bober RS - If all thinks fail; ignore the symbols or blue lines (non in this chamber) This chamber is set to snaky mood; so you need to explore around and see something that has changed. Which bit are you stuck on?

@WackoJacko - The difficulty of this chamber is 'sneaky' meaning there's things hidden and can only be revealed after certain tasks. Here's a clue Once getting the tractor beam stage, hop onto the faith plates around the chamber with the cube, take notice the sqaure above the second button in the narrow hallway, something has been revealed.

@Ender59 - No worries; happy to test other's test chambers as I can see what's been built and use some to design new improved chambers.
Bober RS 2012. júl. 11., 3:09 
It looks great, but there is so many symbols I feel... really confused. When logic fails I'm forced to rely on intuition. My intuition is weak, so... I don't now what to do.
shalun 2012. júl. 9., 17:39 
thx for going and looking at my test-nice work keep up the good work!