185 értékelés
Verdun - Basics (OUTDATED)
Készítők: Vyolette13 és 2 közreműködő
Some tips and tricks to help you get started in Verdun Beta. (This guide is out of date and will not be updated further)

Edit October 29th 2017: This guide is old and does not reflect current game balance/mechanics, it might be updated again if anyone else wishes to take charge of it but the way things are now, the official guides are much more accurate and current. This guide may still contain information that is useful to current players, as such it will be left to stay. I don't play the game as often as I used to so if anyone else wishes to take charge of it, leave a comment to get in touch with me. -Chaplin

A guide for new players

Some important things to note:

- The creators of this guide go by the names "Carbohydrate" and "Chaplin" in-game

- This guide is now undergoing massive renovation (new squads will be added soon), if you spot any problems and/or inconsistencies, please report them in the comments.
This guide is highly out of date and the renovation will happen very slow; it is highly recomended to have a look at new the official verdun guides made by its developers.

- The game itself is in BETA, never forget that fact
How do I accept class trades/ perform class trades?

When a message stating " *other player* Wants to switch classes with you" appears on-screen, simply press the ESC "Escape" key and click which option you want. Alternatively you can also use keyboard shortcuts.

ACCEPT: You will trade classes with the other player, the message will state what class you are and what class the other play is (Shortcut: J-key).

DECLINE: You will decline the trade (Shortcut: N-key).

LOCK: You will lock your class, no-one will be able to ask for trades while you are locked (Shortcut: L-key). You are also able to lock your class in the class menu, simply click the lock under your name.

To perform a trade ingame, press esc and go on Squad Setup and click switch under the player who is currently the class or the empty space if the spot isn't filled. The other player will have to accept the trade, or you will be given a message in the kill-feed which says whether they have ignored your request (didn't select any option) or declined. If you have been accepted then you will switch classes immediately.

How do I use certain "abilities" as the squad leader?

Simply press and hold "Q", press left click and release "Q" or press right click and release "Q".

How do I crouch/melee/prone etc...

Look at the controls iin the section below or in the options inside the game and get familiar with the controls, if you find them to be unsatisfying then customize them to your hearts content!
The basic controls can be found here:

(You can edit the controls below Settings, and then controls.)

key by key:
WASD and arrow keys move you around. A and D (left and right arrow) strafe, not turn you.
Mouse movement turns your view.

Left mouse button (LMB) shoots your gun. If on a machine gun (MG) holding down the key fires a stream of bullets.

Right mouse button (RMB) will pull up iron sights, or if you are on the MG deploy the gun if near suitable terrain. More on MGs later.

R will reload your weapon. RMB with no ammo will also reload your weapon. More on reloading and when to do later.

G a very important button. G throws grenades. More on grenades later.

V another extremely important button. V is your melee attack.

C toggles between crouched and standing. If you press the c key, then you will crouch. Crouching is much more effective when behind cover.

Ctrl toggles between prone and standing. You can crouch anywhere, but you cannot prone everywhere. A message will appear if it is impossible to go prone.

shift sprint. You can not fire while sprinting. Sprinting does not take you out of iron sights. You must first RMB and the SHIFT in order to go from looking down the sights to sprinting. You also have a limited amount of sprint. SHIFT also holds your breath and makes rifle and pistol shots more accurate.

Space Jumps.

Q THE MOST IMPORTANT BUTTON FOR NCOS! Q brings up the "command placer" which will allow you to issue attack orders and mortar strikes. Hold Q and LMB for attack order and hold Q and RMB for mortar strikes. A lot more on NCOs later.

Tab shows the scoreboard. As of V.151 with 4 frontline squads per faction you need to scroll down to see the 4th one.

M zooms the map.

4 takes your gasmask on and off

1-9 or SCROLL WHEEL switches weapons. You can not switch while down iron sights or sprinting.

Y chats to everyone.

U Chat to only your team... far more useful.

F8 hides the entire HUD. Useful if you want to make nice screenshots.

F11 in the web player goes to full screen.
Levels: Squad, Personal, Class and Weapons
Levels are gained by getting points. Points are earned by performing actions in game. Most of the actions revolve around, like you might expect, killing people. You can also gain pints from hit a target and then you ally finishing him off. Suffice to say killing people is good dying is bad...

From my experience these are how you can gain points:

Team work (killing someone who has been hit by an ally)
Offensive kill (killing someone in enemy area)
Protecting team (killing someone after they hit an ally)
Long shot (shooting someone far away)
Assist (an ally killing someone who has already been hit by you)
Head shot
Capturing a line

All of these points can combine i.e getting a kill and a long shot get you points for both longshot and the kill.

The abilities of your class may give you the chance to earn additional points. For example the machinegunner will get more points for assists and the sniper more points for longshots.

You lose points for suicide (causes could be barbed wire, your own explosives or desertion ).

By gaining points you earn levels. At the moment personal levels are purely cosmetic. Squad, class and rifle levels do have a non cosmetic benefit.

A comon confusion of new players is that Squad Levels stay tied to a squad, that is not so: Squad levels are a combination of all the points you have with the players currently in your squad. It is advantageous to play with people you know to achieve higher levels as they improve the abilities of the players in the squad. Ingame press Esc and click on Squad Experience to see the point countribution of individual players. Squad Progression will show you what you can and have already unlocked.

Squad classes are level based. They are not the same levels as your player level. To gain levels you have to play that class and make points with it. The levels are used to unlock new equipment for your class which you can chose in the Squad Setup.

Rifle levels are used to get new attatchements and unlock points for other rifles in the RDM (Free-for-all) gamemode.
Frontlines gamemode mechanics
You will either be assigned to defend the outermost line you already own or capture the next enemy line which is indicated by a floating sign. The team which successfully defended or captured the most lines when the timer is up will be the winner. The game may also end when one side is pushed back to the end of the map.

Lines are captured by having more players inside its distinct zone than the enemy, the higher the ammount of your ally players inside it compared to the enemy players the faster it'll be captured.

Each attack only lasts a certain time. If the attackers fail to take the enemy line within that time the other team gets to counter-attack. If the attack succeeds then you will have to defend the newly captured line before being allowed to attack again.
There are 2 ways to increase attack time:
1. For the attacking team to kill (depending on the map) either 30 or 45 defenders
2. When the timer is ending and there still is 1 or more attacker(s) inside the contested line

Defenders have a respawn time of 10 seconds where as the attackers have designated spawn waves with 16 seconds time in between.

Frontlines HUD:
Landser/Poilus/Tommies squads
Your regular infantery squads which have access to unique weaponry. This squad includes a NCO which serves as spawnpoint for the entire squad, a rifleman, a machinegunner and a grenadier.

Rifle training
accuracy +10%
recharge time -10%
pistol reload
time -20%
Capture speed -10%
accuracy +15%
recharge time -15%
Capture speed -15%
accuracy +25%
recharge time -25%
Capture speed -20%
Commonly by players referred to as NCO; which stands for non-commissioned officer. As an NCO your job is to tell your squad where to. Were to attack. Where to set up that MG. And how to win the game. You should be the one controlling the tactics of your squad. You have the order attack move ability to help you get your team grouped up together. As an NCO you should make use of team chat to update our team on the situation. NCO's also have the most powerful weapon in the game: artillery strikes.When using the pistol, your gun will kill an enemy in up to three shots, but you can fire your bullets much, much faster than the riflemen. From experience it seems to be that you can get off about 4-6 rounds in 2 seconds depending on if you readjust your aim. Your goal as an nco is to get up close and pewpewpewpew. Your gun is inaccurate at long ranges so take the fight to the enemy trenches. Sprint from fox hole to fox hole while being covered by your MG and jump into their trenches. Your gun also has a very fast reload time so make use of it when you are out of near depleted in ammo. When using a carbine your shots, reload and movement will still be faster than those of an average rifleman but since it is not semi-automatic like the pistol you may have to change your tactics to hide behind corners or in shellholes during combat situations more often.
Your grenade is useful for throwing before the final sprint into their trenches in order to clear out an mg nest or another enemy squad. You only have one or two, so make sure that it lands, but if it doesn't remember that you can still kill two enemies with one clip if you are fast enough.
If you must shoot at long ranges there are a few ways that you can manage the inaccuracy. The best suggestion I can give is simply to get closer.
A lot of abilities will only work within the NCO aura. You will see it as a blue circle around you in the minimap.
One of the most important functions of the NCO is that your squadmates will spawn on you if there is a safe spawnplace and no enemies nearby, hence it is vital for victory to stay close to the objective as NCO.

Equipment selection:
Ruby pistol
Luger pistol
Webley revolver
Ruby pistol
2x F1 grenades
Luger pistol
2x M15 grenades
Webley revolver
2x Mills bomb
Berhier mousqueton carbine
Kar98az carbine
SMLE rifle
Berthier mousqueton carbine
1x F1 grenade
Kar98az carbine without stripper clips
2x M15 grenades
SMLE rifle
1x Mills bomb

Officer training
Artillery call in
Pistol reload time -20%
Mortar strike
place a marker giving additional
points for killing enemies nearby
Carbine reload time -50%
Sector artillery
Creeping barrage

1) get close
2) Don't use iron sights in close range
3) Use your artillery
4) Talk to your team
5) Let your squadmates spawn both safe and close
The Riflemen along with the NCO make up the two main rushers of the regular squads.The rifleman is originally equiped with a bayonet which allows him to instantly kill enemies with his melee-attack. Alternatively the rifleman can also chose a rifle with a scope attatchment which is useful when a squad needs additional cover or while being on the defensive.
If you are in a situation where you cannot use your bayonet and have no cover than try the following:

Equipment selection:
Lebel rifle
G98 rifle
SMLE rifle
Berthier rifle
G98 rifle
SMLE rifle
Berthier rifle
Lebel rifle
G98 rifle
G98 rifle
Berthier rifle
Berhier rifle

Movement speed lowered
10% when outside aura
Holding breath time
increased by 10 seconds
Bonus points for
capturing inside aura
Holding breath time
increasedby 15 seconds
Bonus points for capturing

1) Hold your breath for long range shots
2) Aim at the chest not head
3) Take the fight to them
4) Stabby stabby
Gunners let you advance. The gunners job is not about how many kills he gets, but about how many kills he prevents. Gunners are the most targeted player on the battlefield, for good reason. Gunners can mow down entire charging squads and force you to stay in your trench in a fetal position. Gunners are the fear of everyone... But playing an effective gunner is... ehhhh a little bit harder.The MG is the most finicky weapon in the game. In order to shoot the beast you need to set it up. To set up the MG RMB while having suitable terrain in your vision. You want to place the MG where you can see the enemy, so try to place your MG over the terrain and not on it. It is really difficult to describe how to place the MG, it just takes a bit of practice. You CAN mount the MG on object like tank treads (my favorite), sandbags, trees, sides of trenches, concrete bunkers, barbed wire poles, etc, etc. Experiment.

Now your job as an MG is not necessarily to kill people. Your job is to allow your comrades to raid the trenches of your vile enemies. The best way to do this is to lay down suppressing fire. What this basically means is that you want to keep your enemies from firing at your friends. Target enemies that are out in the open and fire of a stream of bullets until he dies or learns his lesson and pops his head back down. Even if you can't see an enemy fire at the top of the trenches where your allies are rushing, make them unprepared for the NCO and rifleman. Your goal is to help your team... this unfortunately means you are going to take a few led rockets to face on occasion. Don't worry about this your rifleman will stab that guy in face for revenge. A shot that you take is a shot that your allies don't take. You are a magnet to pot shots, and that is to be expect, it comes with the territory. But you will have the last laugh.

In order to suppress effectively you have to have your gun firing as much as possible. When you allies are charging you gun should be firing. Even if there aren't enemies that you can see you need to keep the gun firing. If you are not firing you are wasting the MG. You are a spammer, don't worry about accuracy. Aim at humans, don't worry about hit locations or that riff raff. Just spam your gun. But be wary,if you overdo it you may run out of ammunition all too soon.

You will probably get the most kills defensively. When enemies try to charge your job is to mow them down. Don't be afraid to fire across noman's land to negate a charge. Your job is prevention. Prevent charges, prevent your allies form dieing, prevent your trenches from getting captured. This does NOT mean you should stay in your trenches all the time. TO the contrary, the best position to defend against a charge is across from the charge, not in front of it. Most of the time enemies will take cover from the people they are trying to attack, they will probably forget about their flanks, and nothing is more satisfying than mowing down four people with a flanking machine gun blast.

There are several things that can help you when reloading. You can not cancel reloading when your mg is deployed on a surface with the R button or melee, the only way to cancel it is to switch to your secondary weapon (if you have one). Also If your mg is deployed then facing upwards will lower your position and possibly hide you from the enemy entirely. The Chauchat's reloading speed is affected by your stance, it gets longer from deployed to lying to crouching to standing. Currently there is also a, not yet fixed, glitch that allows you the reload the mg08/15 while moving, you can do so if you deploy very shortly after the reloading has started.

Equipment selection:
Lebel rifle
Ruby pistol
G98 rifle
Luger Pistol
SMLE rifle
Webley revolver
Chauchat mg
Ruby pistol
08/15 mg
Lewis mg
Webley revolver
08/15 mg
Ruby pistol
08/15 mg
Luger pistol
08/15 mg
Webley revolver

Cover Fire
Can not sprint
Rifle reload time -20%
Assists get 2 additional points
Can not sprint outside aura
LMG reload time -20%
Assists get 5 additional points
Can not sprint outside aura
when wielding an LMG
LMG reload time -33%
Assists give the same ammount
of points as an actual kill

1) Set up in a place where you overlook the enemy position
2) Keep the gun going
3) defend by flanking and spraying
4) Don't be afraid to have a low KDR (kill death ratio)
A grenadier is like a supportive rifleman... with grenades. This is the difference between you and the rifleman. Your job is to chuck grenades into the trench before your allies charge in. Your job is to clear the way and to a certain extent help out the MG.

Generally you will want to stay a bit behind your NCO, Chuck a nade or two into their trench and charge in after your NCO and rifle made the initial invasion. After that you should move on up and start clearing their trenches with your grenades.

The only set role for the grenadier is just that, to throw grenades. I recommend that you use him to prevent the enemy from flanking the MG and to pick off counter-chargers while the MG is suppressing their line. You could, in principle, charge in with the rifle and NCO. In fact there is nothing wrong with that at all. It is really up to you and the situation. You SHOULD NOT go out into their trenches alone. Unless you get lucky and really know the limits of your rifle and have a full clip when you enter their trenches you won't make it out alive. That isn't to say that you can't do that, in fact it can do a lot of damage, but I feel it is more optimal to leave it to the NCO and riflemen to do it. Essentially, you become the sniper.

Throwing grenades is an art that I haven't even yet mastered. Hold down the G button coo a grenade so that it explodes relatively soon after impact. It seems that an uncooked grenade takes about 5-6 seconds to explode, which is more than enough time for the enemy to clear out. Cook that sucker off for a few second and then toss her in. It is also important to understand the range of the grenade... that can only be found with practice. To throw the grenade as far as possible you want to throw it at a 35-50 degree angle from the ground. This will give maximum distance. See image:

Grenades also "bounce" around a bit so be careful of that. You can also die by your own grenade... don't ask. Grenades also take about 1/2 second to leave your hand after releasing the G button, so be careful if you are under fire. Enemies can also see when you are winding up. If you die while cooking off a grenade you will drop it and it will explode.

Equipment selection:
French grenadier
German grenadier
Lebel rfile
3x F1 grenades
G98 rifle
3x M15 grenades
SMLE rifle
3x Mills bomb
Lebel rifle
2x F1 grenades
G98 rifle
2x M15 grenades
SMLE rifle
2x Mills bomb
Ruby pistol
4x F1 grenades
Luger pistol
4x M15 grenades
Webley revolver
4x Mills bomb
Berthier mousqueton carbine
2x F1 grenade
Kar98az carbine
2x M15 grenades
Webley revolver
trench club
1x Mills bomb

Quick Lob
Grenade training
movement speed when
holding a grenade +15%
Grenade throwing range +20%
Health time regenration +25%
Grenade throwing range +20%
1 additional points for explosive kill
Grenade throwing range +20%
2 additional points for explosive kill

1) Throw Grenades into enemy trenches
2) Be wary of the cooking time
3) Stay with the NCO
4) When killed whilst cooking you will drop the grenade which will then explode soon (keep this in mind when you kill grenadiers)
Chasseurs Alpins/Alpenjäger squads
Reconnaisance squads do not have many or in some cases any exlosives or particular weapons such as the mg like regular squads but they have certain advantages. This being the ability to move faster, reveal enemies on the minimap and to spawn on any living squadmember. If you play a recon squad be sure to have tactical view enabled in the options as otherwise many of their abilities ( mostly concering the reveal of enemies) would be nullified. The reconnaisance squad includes a corporal, a sniper, an observer and a melee-expert.
It is advised to zoom the minimap as much out as possible as to gain the maximum information from the recon plane.

Squad abilities:
Mountain Stamina
Sprint time +100%
inside aura
Movement speed +5%
inside aura
Sprint time +100%
stamina recharge time -25%
inside aura
Movement speed +10%
inside aura
Sprint time unlimited
inside aura
Just as the regular NCO your job is to guide your squad and stay close, rush trenches and let the Observer do his job. You can call in planes with Q+RMB which will reveal all enemies to your squad in the chosen sector on the minimap, try to relay important informations you acquire through this such as main enemy defense and attack areas to other ally squads in the chat.

Equipment selection:
Berthier mousqueton carbine
Kar98az carbine
Berthier rifle
G98 rifle
Ruby pistol
1x F1 grenade
Luger pistol
1x M15 grenade
Berthier mousqueton carbine
Kar98az carbine

Recon Plane
When not moving and in prone:
can not be detected
Reveals all enemies in target sector
place a marker giving additional
points for killing enemies nearby
When not moving:
can not be detected
Attacks and reveals enemies
in target sector
(not yet in the game)
When in prone:
can not be detected
Tireur d'élite/Scharfschütze
The Snipers job is to cover his squad but due to the recon ability of spawning on each squadmember it is for him, unlike the mg, not wise to stay too far back. When attacking try to cover from the flanks in the nomansland, when defending try to stay close to the objective line.

Your job is not necessarily to make many kills but to make presicion kills and counter-snipe. Instead of going for enemies who are wide in the open try to aim for gunners and holed up rifleman that your allies are unable to take care of.

Equipment selection:
Tireur d'élite
Berthier mousqueton carbine
Kar98az carbine
Berthier mousqueton carbine
Kar98az carbine
Lebel rifle
G98 rifle
Berthier rifle
G98 rifle

Movement speed -10%
outside aura
Holding breath time
+10 seconds
When in aura:
2 additional points
for longshots
Holding breath time
+15 seconds
2 additional points
for longshots
Holding breath time
+30 seconds
Your main ability is to reveal closeby enemies on the minimap when inside the corporal's aura which is an invaluably great skill when raiding trenches. Hence it is your job to stay close and assist the corporal in capturing lines and cover his back. If you have reached a high enough squadlevel so that you can reveal enemies outside the aura then try to stay close to as many squadmembers as possible so that more players profit from your ability.
You can also use your binoculars and try to give your allies information about enemy positions through the chat.

Equipment selection:
Berthier mousqueton carbine
Kar98az carbine
Ruby pistol
Luger pistol
Berthier rifle
G98 rifle
Berthier mousqueton carbine
Kar98az carbine

Movement speed -10%
outside aura
When not moving and in prone:
can not be detected
When in aura:
enemies within 5m are revealed
When not moving:
can not be detected
When in aura:
enemies within 10m are revealed
When in prone:
can not be detected
enemies within 10m are revealed
As the melee class you are the spearhead for charges into the enemy line. Try to use your fast movement and additional melee range to take care of enemies inside the trenches who aren't facing you or when you don't have time to bolt the next shot.
Alternatively one kit also gives you grenades which allows you to act as a substitute Grenadier.

Equipment selection:
Berthier mousqueton carbine
Kar98az carbine
Berthier rifle
G98 rifle
Ruby pistol
Knife (not yet in the game)
Luger pistol
Knife (not yet in the game)
Ruby pistol
3x F1 grenades
Luger pistol
2x M15 grenades

When in prone:
can not be detected
melee distance +0.5m
Health time regenration +25%
When not standing and in aura:
can not be detected
melee distance +1m
Orientated for close combat they are mainly armed with pistols, melee weapons and grenades.

They also have the possibility to call in gas, which has a blinding and potentially deadly effect on any player inside it who is not wearing his gasmask and moreover works splendidly as a smokescreen. From personal experience i can mainly recomend to call it on main enemy defensive positions during an attack and to not use it while defending yourself since it's effect will possibly do you more harm than good ( gas is the only weapon in the game that currently also can do damage to your allies!).

According to their spawning mechanism they are supposed to spawn on any member near the order that can be placed by their squadleader, but after some personal testing as of the current version it appears to be very unreliable and should not be counted on.

Squad abilities:
Esprit de corps
When near assault order squad members spawn on you
Health regeneration time in command aura -10%
Health regeneration time in command aura -25%
Health regeneration time -25%
Assault Leader/Truppen Führer
Equipment selection:
Assault Leader
Truppen Führer
Webley revolver
Luger pistol
Webley revolver
trench club
Luger Pistol
Webley revolver
2x mills bomb
Luger Pistol
2x m15 grenade
SMLE rifle
k98az carbine

Equipment selection:

Specialist/ Waffenspezialist
Equipment selection:

Equipment selection:

Hmmm... running low on ammo in that rifle I see. Running a tad low in that clip, MG almost dry? Well at some point you will have to reload. My background comes from CS like games, where reloading is the difference between life and death, the slower reloads in this game amplify that.

The German rifle has an interesting feature due to the stripper clip, that is if you expend your entire five round clip you reload all five in the same time that it takes to reload ~1.5 bullets from a partially spent clip. What this means is that it would seem better to shoot off your entire clip before reloading, however this is not always the case. If you have enough ammo you can also decide to intentionally waste a shot on the groud or air if seems neccessary.
In the case of the Berhier rifle and carbine you can only reload when it is empty, so it is sometimes smart to shoot of 1 or 2 shots rather than waiting for enemies.

My suggestion on when to reload the rifle is simple: When you start to charge, have a full clip. When you rush their trench have a full clip.

The reason why you want a full clip when you first enter noman's land is the often times you will have the opportunity to fire across noman's land at counter sniping enemies. You will also potentially need bullets in order snipe MG nests.

You also really want all rounds when you are in their trenches. Due to the long reload times no bullets = death, with the possible exception of using the bayonet. You can interrupt the reloading by sprinting or meleeing.

MG's have a pretty fast reload (3-4 seconds) so if your allies are not rushing and you don't see any imminent threats I would suggest reloading if you have less than 2/3rds of your rounds. If you have above that there really isn't much of a point and it is too risky to reload. You should never Reload when your team is rushing, you should be holding down that LMB instead. I would also suggest reloading before you move up after your guys have taken the first trench line.

The pistol's reload is the fastest in the game by far. Keep in mid that the pistol takes up to 3 bullets on target to kill. Factor in that the pistol is also pretty inaccurate and you will probably miss at least one shot. I recommend reloading the pistol whenever you can. If you shoot once and are safe, reload.

When to never reload ever
1) when you are under fire. Sprint away first.
2) When you have a enemy in your sights. Even if you have a pistol with 1 bullet take the pot shot, you might just assist that rifleman.
3) When you see an enemy charging. Line up and shoot him. If you don't have bullets run back or duck and reload.

1v1 scenario
Most of the time this happens when you rush the enemy's trenches and your buddy got shot in the charge. Here you are with your pistol or rifle up against another dude in a straight up 1v1. How do you win?

Well there is no sure fire way to win a 1v1, especially against a rifleman or grenadier because of the one shot kill potential. If your opponent is a machine with perfect reaction time and accuracy you will lose every time, but there are things you can do to make his job harder.

Try to strafe left to right, then right to left. Jump up and down, break your bolt throws with a sprint to throw him off. Being a jiggly legs NCO is your goal. They will have a hard time shooting you if you are all over their screen. Try to get behind them and shoot them in the back. I have found very few players who can overcome someone who has jumped behind them.

Also, don't bother with iron sights, just don't. Iron sights are great fro those long ranges shots, but in a trench, it just makes it hard to track your enemy.

41 megjegyzés
Vyolette13  [készítő] 2017. okt. 29., 11:15 
I have no idea how to solve that problem, I recommend looking around the forums for a solution. Start a thread there if you can't find anything.
Spotter73 2017. okt. 29., 5:34 
can u pls explain me something? one 1 pc i got 90 Points now i changed to different pc same Konto and i have to start from beginnig:steamsad::steamsalty:
jva_1 2015. nov. 2., 8:50 
Tengo un ASUS A53S
jva_1 2015. nov. 2., 8:41 
Acabo de comprar el juego pero tras los creditos del mismo, la apalicación se cierra con un mensaje de windows diciendo que "Verdun dejó de funcionar correctamente". Ayuda...
CommanderMark4 2015. aug. 24., 12:00 
Wow! This guide was amazing =D
SlpWlkr  [készítő] 2014. szept. 23., 15:47 
Sorry for the lack of updates, i'll try to get some work done on this guide in the next month.
Vyolette13  [készítő] 2014. szept. 23., 14:43 
@Discos_Dead You should check the FAQ in the discussion section of the community hub. If you still have questions I would make a thread there. Hope you enjoy Verdun! :canadian:
Discos_Dead 2014. szept. 23., 14:31 
I'm brand new to this game, and have been reading quite a bit to become a better player (thanks fo rthis guide) - where can I go to ask questions?
Oka_Nieba 2014. aug. 9., 10:00 
Nice, pretty useful.
SlpWlkr  [készítő] 2014. júl. 27., 16:16 
4 is indeed at least for some part wrong, i tried it out ingame and you do not need a view line to detect enemies on the mini map. I shall seek to include the information of your other points as soon as I have time, thank you for your comments.