Portal 2
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Chapter 2: Aperture's Inner Workings - Part 5
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16 Οκτ 2012, 16:21
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Chapter 2: Aperture's Inner Workings - Part 5

ΣΕ 1 ΣΥΛΛΟΓΗ ΑΠΟ Spamfan Gaming
Portal 2: The Aftermath
19 αντικείμενα
Sorry people, I would have combined most of the levels in chapter 2 together, except my computer cannot do that. It can be slow, lots of times--especially when I make large or complex chambers. But, here you see the final part of Chapter 2: Aperture's Inner Workings. In this one the idea is supposed to be that you go through a small part of a broken testchamber, and then navigate around it. And, if I were farmiliar with hammer, there would be a 'never ending fall' instead of goo, but hey, say lavi---or whatever it is... You then navigate frpm there to another walkway to the next testchamber. Enjoy!

None right now.

LIGHTING: Anything you would like, just not too bright (Probably less than or about 75%)
EASTER EGG(S): Yes, there is a hidden companino cube in here, try to find it and bring it all of the way to the exit, then tell me how far you got it in the comments! :D ALSO:
There, as well, is a hidden franken turret, try doing the same with it! :D
5 σχόλια
Spamfan Gaming  [Δημιουργός] 29 Μαϊ 2013, 8:29 
Sure, I'll try it, but I'm just gonna tell you, your not gonna get a lot of people to try your puzzles by asking them in comments :)
LittleFinchy 29 Μαϊ 2013, 8:02 
looks fun i'll give it a try :)
can you please play my new test at http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=147863771
Spamfan Gaming  [Δημιουργός] 27 Οκτ 2012, 13:53 
THanks but no mazes in this one :) (As all of my other maps...) And yeah, this one has to be my favorie out of all the others as well :)
LPChip 27 Οκτ 2012, 13:36 
This one is better than the previous maps. I never like maze levels, so that doesn't help. This one was more about playing with portals and interact with the map. I only visited the left side of the map and was able to exit quickly, but it was nice nontheless. I didn't feel like searching for the comanion cube this time. Also due to all the mazes in the previous levels.
Spamfan Gaming  [Δημιουργός] 16 Οκτ 2012, 16:22 
DO NOT FFORGET ABOUT THE COMPANION CUBE CONTEST!!!!!! Details are in a bucnch of MY comments in the main collection page of PORTAL 2: THE AFTERMATH