Portal 2
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Trails of Thought
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Trails of Thought

Hi there,
this is "Trails of thought" another Portal 2 map. It has many Jump action and cubes to take them a long way.

happy testing

2 commentaires
Quarks123  [créateur] 15 déc. 2012 à 3h05 
[Gladosvoice]so it works and you ave up as suggested[/gladosvoice] :D .no, really it's possible to get threw. i tested every possible way to cheat and every way not to complete and fixed them before i uploaded it. So it's possible! But hey thanks for testing
Mr Fraggle (UK) 15 déc. 2012 à 1h35 
After the upper section I really had no clue as to what to do next.Gave up after two attempts.