Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Mode de jeu: Point de contrôle
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10.944 MB
12 juin 2015 à 5h36
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This map consists of a symmetrical warehouse, very open and maneuverable with rocket/sticky jumps. The floor of the warehouse is scattered with a maze of shipping containers, some of which are hollow and provide excellent cover from the snipers who will inevitably attempt to watch over the whole warehouse. While there are raised areas for snipers to take advantage of, they will only ever be able to hit other snipers on the opposite end of the map. Also, the containers can be very useful for engineers who want to hide sneaky teleporters and sentry nests. It has more cover than you might think.

The control points for this map are situated at each team's spawn area, and take a rather long time to capture. However, the control point in the open center of the loading zone must be owned before a team can push forwards through the containers and capture the final point. There will be a big struggle at the middle of the map a lot of the time.

As an added bonus, I also generated a nav mesh for this map! I totally didn't just use the nav_generate command, I swear. Actually I did, but it works decently if you want to use bots on this map. Just take in to account the fact that they are bots and will most likely get stuck on stuff.
15 commentaires
R3DFOX01 27 mars 2020 à 10h06 
This brings me ptsd. Nav_editing shipping containers at angles sucks. Good looking map though
tea matey 2 oct. 2017 à 17h06 
remind me of one CoD map, pretty good
F.U.N 3 nov. 2015 à 14h10 
10/10 would fulton
zab11 26 sept. 2015 à 23h42 
i will get so lost lol plz add dis
Zacerino 23 sept. 2015 à 9h49 
how to spam props 101
Mittens 15 juil. 2015 à 13h59 
looks like a great place to get lost. I LOVE IT!!!
Intruso 4 juil. 2015 à 4h21 
D E D 24 juin 2015 à 12h53 
its a ture maze for f2p
[Th3Comb1ne] 24 juin 2015 à 12h34 
looks good i hope it gets in game
mr internet (fake) 22 juin 2015 à 13h52 
How lazy can you get?