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Reboot 5/9 Breakout
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Reboot 5/9 Breakout

Dans 1 collection faite par xSeeker07x
Reboot Test Set
9 objets
Reboot test set
Test Chamber 5

Easter Egg: Incinerator
6 commentaires
Petutski 25 juil. 2014 à 20h42 
Excellent work! I love the complexity of the chamber which makes the labeling and ant-lines nice but unnessary. I especially liked the remote cube manipulation to the hidden chamber! Was that the incinerator?
Luxus 6 févr. 2013 à 12h02 
I forgot a cube and the only way to finish it was to die and restart. Also the signage is incorrect.
AgentMustache 30 janv. 2013 à 4h00 
Not sure if I did something wrong or if there was a glitch or something, but the rising platforms in the bottom room lead to a dead end.
Dr_Indica 27 janv. 2013 à 11h06 
Love your chambers! Just the right amount of difficulty (for me at least). Challenging, but not so hard that I get bored and give up. Very good stuff. Cant wait for parts 6-9.
Mr Fraggle (UK) 27 janv. 2013 à 4h15 
I agree.Well done.
JbyJ 26 janv. 2013 à 10h20 
Another well made chamber. Keep up the good work!