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334 évaluations
Men's Madness
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Men's Madness

Easy level, but the many buttons en stuff could make it medium for a unexperienced player.
3 commentaires
🌌Inter🚀Stella🌟 2 févr. 2013 à 17h17 
I am not sure what the light bridge section id for, We just completed it without that.
Frenzy Goblin  [créateur] 18 janv. 2013 à 15h41 
Thanks for the feedback man!!
The thing with the cubes was delt with: now all cubes will autoregenerate
EccleStone 18 janv. 2013 à 11h57 
Nice map - my buddy and me had a lot of fun !
(maybe there's a little bug: the cube (star & circle) do not fall automaticly again ?)