Portal 2

Portal 2

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Four Rooms, One Puzzle
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Four Rooms, One Puzzle

1 kokoelmassa, tekijä Muerte
Muerte's Puzzles
7 luomusta
Can you make it past the four rooms that are holding you prisoner? It will require thinking efficently to maximize your resources.

-Update: Added area to show status of funnels.
7 kommenttia
Muerte  [tekijä] 20.6.2012 klo 12.20 
True on both accounts. This was one of my first puzzles, so I was still figuring out my best practices. I basically started with the premise of two puzzle rooms and two easy rooms. I decided to go ahead and include it with my others since it was a tricky puzzle, and everything seemed to work, unlike some of my other expirments. Also, in a way they do have to solve a puzzle in the rooms or else the funnel will reverse.
I have an idea on a way to keep it like it is and give feedback. When I have a chance, I will see if I can put it into place.
Jibbler 20.6.2012 klo 10.44 
Shouldn't the player receive feedback on what they've done? It would take a giant rework, so I understand if you don't want to do it, but couldn't you make it so the player has to reverse each of the funnels in each room one at a time?
Muerte  [tekijä] 19.6.2012 klo 22.06 
If you are refering to the laser terminals, just try and skip them, then you will quickly realize what they are for.
Jibbler 19.6.2012 klo 20.28 
There were switches that I engaged to which I do not know the function. That doesn't sit well with me. I feel like I should know why I have to do something. The last room was pretty cool though.
Muerte  [tekijä] 14.6.2012 klo 23.35 
There really wasn't a purpose to them being there, I just put them there for fun and so you can dunk them in the goo.
hackulator 14.6.2012 klo 23.20 
I liked it, although I'm confused about the purpose of the two turrets in the box in the corner of the last room.
Panahasi 9.6.2012 klo 23.01 
That was cool