Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

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Modules: Regular Module
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1.581 MB
10 mei 2017 om 19:49
2 sep 2018 om 21:36
12 wijzigingsnotities (weergeven)

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In 1 verzameling van ZekNikZ
ZekNikZ's Modules
5 items
A classic schoolyard game, with a twist...

Designed and implemented by ZekNikZ.

Module ID: fizzBuzzModule

2 opmerkingen
Randall 24 mei 2017 om 9:33 
After trying this a couple of times, I quickly removed it. The diffuser needs to communicate a ton of info to the experts, but the experts themselves have almost zero fun with this module.

First you need to find out about the 7 numbers using the ton of info I just mentioned, then you need to add certain numbers to ALL the other numbers, then you need to add those together but without the decimals, followed by looking if that number is divisable by 3 or 5 (or both, or none).

And THEN you need to do that TWO more times! Yeah... I like calculating puzzles, but I also like to do something more in the 5 minutes to diffuse the bomb. I can't recommend this one.
Travahar 11 mei 2017 om 3:35 
[h1]For those who don't know it: Fizz buzz is a group word game for children to teach them about division. Players take turns to count incrementally, replacing any number divisible by three with the word "fizz", and any number divisible by five with the word "buzz".[/h1]

Can't help but wonder how the manual reader is involved into this bit.