Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Skullgirls: Double's Crown
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Genstandsplads: Hovedudstyr
1.129 MB
11. maj 2013 kl. 1:19
20. maj 2013 kl. 21:04
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Skullgirls Promo Items
11 genstande
Lab Zero needs your help!

Valve has given us the opportunity to release Skullgirls Team Fortress 2 items... but only if you show your support and vote for them!

So vote well and spread the word - the more votes we get, the more likely you and your friends are going to get some awesome Skullgirls items!

Double's Crown
Equipping this crown will mark you a servant of the Divine Trinity, doing their unholy bidding throughout the land.

LOD0: 792 tris
LOD1: 394 tris
LOD2: 198 tris

Built by Nick "Nix" Kuijten.

Update 1: Added partial Double mask to the crown.

Skullgirls is a 2D fighting game developed by indie studio Lab Zero Games. Designed by a fighting game champ, the game also features hand-drawn, feature-quality 2D animation. The game currently features 8 characters, but will be getting 5 new ones free, thanks to the over $830,000 it raised through its highly successful Indiegogo campaign.

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