Portal 2

Portal 2

137 hodnocení
Relaxing Hallway of Joy
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30. čvc. 2014 v 16.28
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Relaxing Hallway of Joy

Watch the turrets die as you snuggle your Companion Cube.
Počet komentářů: 3
Mayfield  [autor] 3. srp. 2014 v 19.17 
@Titan This was a map for a weekly series by RageGamingVideos, called Portal 2 Fan Chamber Reviews. The theme was happy, and it got on the show, but outside of that, like you said, it has no point.
Nathanor 30. čvc. 2014 v 20.57 
Nice map. =)
Olamh 30. čvc. 2014 v 17.15 
Pointless if you ask me. But then, maybe that's the point...Sorry, have to give it a thumbs down.