Legend of Grimrock

Legend of Grimrock

594 ratings
Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep Sewers
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60.364 MB
Sep 13, 2012 @ 11:46pm
May 25, 2016 @ 7:07am
4 Change Notes ( view )

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Eye of the Beholder: Waterdeep Sewers

v0.2.19 - build 20150204
EOB: Waterdeep Sewers is attempt to recreate (remake) of first Eye of the Beholder as Grimrock Total Connversion mod. Project should be designed so close to original game as possible.

GitHub: https://github.com/grimrock/eob1-waterdeep
HomePage: https://www.oldgames.sk/disc/eye-of-the-beholder-remake-grimrock/

!!! MOD is still in experimental phase !!!

v0.02.19 2015-02-04 (carlos)
levels 1-11 are playable
all the puzzles, keys, doors, special quests etc. should work as original

v0.02.18 (carlos)
Levels 7 - 9 playable
few minor things are missing

New sewer wallset
Grimwidgets framework integrated
Many improvements and experimental functions

Levels 4-12 added (generated from EobConverter)
Iron sewer doors added
New spells: stoneskin, cone of cold, fireball, Lighting bolt, ice storm, haste
Spider nets on level 4
Slug acting as leech
Many other improvements

New object - rounded Pit/Ceiling shaft
New low-poly ladder with texture
Spellbook with AD&D spells
Bug fix: alcoves, rations

New spells - testing:
( magic_missile, shield, burning_hands, armor
invisibility, invisibility_10_radius,
melfs_acid_arrow, hold_monster )

Level 1: completed
Level 2: completed
Level 3: work in progress...

You can find more at Grimrock Modding Forum. Thank you for testing!

~DJ (https://www.oldgames.sk/)
~JKos - LoG Framework, AD&D Spells
~Tom - Texture modifications
~Bifrost,Thomson - converter from original EOB1
~Wallasaurus - Leech (slug) monster
~motagneyaya - Breakable spider nets (level 4)
~Carlos - continues on project in 2015
Popular Discussions View All (2)
Feb 1, 2024 @ 1:49pm
Jun 4, 2016 @ 6:23pm
Error Message when attempting to save
Mafia Penguin
pscigulinsky Jan 19, 2024 @ 2:04am 
If you want to try a remake of EOB2, you will find it here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3142623589
It is not intended to look like the original game (way above my scripting skills), but it contains the whole EOB2 story in the Grimrock engine.
WildWolverine Nov 5, 2023 @ 9:42am 
Once this is finished I'll probably play it, but seeing the Eye of Beholder maps brings back good memories, making me want to pick Eye of Beholder back up. For those interested, a lot of the DOS games are available on GOG for purchase with little to no setup unless you're using some kind of controller.
gbozoki Jul 22, 2022 @ 5:26pm 
Buggy. Pity, could be nice.
Cimaera May 2, 2022 @ 11:50am 
too sad its not playable. i thought my dreams come true. :)
Lusoka Apr 9, 2021 @ 3:06pm 
I was able to ignore the first skeleton since it doesn't seem to have any relevance to forward momentum, but killing 4 skeletons then being unable to open the gate due to the crashing bugs attached to the gate and the pushing mechanic, ya. Honestly, I don't know what the problem here is. While it might not be game friendly, just swap out the gate with something more stable next time. If ya don't know how to fix it, put in a place holder till you do. Better then leaving a buggy mess.

The reason that makes me mad about it is that is a pretty significant bug first off. Second, I have no idea what awaits me further down the road in the mod. I could go down to the next floor, one of these shortcuts happens and bam, trapped. Just not much of a reason to continue. Nvm, reading just a tiny bit further down into the comments, you're fucked on level 3 apparently. I guess I could use the level skip till that isn't an issue, but I wanna play the mod, not dance around the issues.
Oban Oct 11, 2019 @ 10:09am 
in Level 2 i have 2 NIL POINTER errors when walking through doors :( very sad. NOT playable
Bullit Sponge Aug 12, 2019 @ 4:11pm 
Eye of the Beholder was my very first addiction. I remember drawing all of the maps (except levels 1-3 which they gave you.)
Frenne Dilley Mar 17, 2019 @ 7:43am 
thankyou heeeeeeeaps :lunar2019piginablanket:
dj  [author] Mar 17, 2019 @ 6:42am 
Source code of this project is always available on GitHub, I added link into description.
GitHub: https://github.com/grimrock/eob1-waterdeep
Frenne Dilley Mar 15, 2019 @ 9:41am 
hey uploader author dude, release the files to the community, someone will be willing to work on it! :MFF_Mog: