Portal 2

Portal 2

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flying tonight
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flying tonight

fun / flying / red herrings / puzzle's
no death traps or turrets.
(though death is possible by laser field or goo)
update: moved fizzler to stop skiping of chamber.
altered panels, to avoid getting traped,
due to fizzler.
added sphere cube to replace franking cube in hidden chamber. added light bridges
updated further to stop 2 unintended sollutions found by toncica. thankyou toncica.
increased the effect of the chamber with the cubes & goo.
67 Kommentare
mood3rd  [Autor] 1. Feb. 2018 um 7:07 
respectfully: wow, I hope I'll be able to solve portal puzzles, at 71 (if I'm still here).
thankyou for the complement.
as for genius:
I may use higher brain functions from time to time.
but I also delve to the depths of stupidity, & the spaces inbetween.
as for you not making portal 2 maps:
without the players. making maps, would be pointless.
constructive feedback, positive & negative are always welcome.
constructive negative feedback, helps us improve.
thankyou for your comments & playing my maps
Gilles1946 31. Jan. 2018 um 19:48 
I tell you the same as i told to Daloboy, found Portal many year ago and plyed it with a great pleasure. Long time after get Portal 2 (Steam) and envoy playing that kind of game and discoved that many peopel where making map for. So i start playing these maps. At 71 years old, i don't have the skill to create such map that you have the genius to do. Anyway I thanks you for you offer.
mood3rd  [Autor] 31. Jan. 2018 um 13:27 
thank you :steamhappy:
if you make any maps. let me know & I will play.
Gilles1946 31. Jan. 2018 um 12:19 
Enjoyed playing, yhat was funny flying around. Thanks.
mood3rd  [Autor] 12. Aug. 2016 um 16:13 
correct: their is no funel needed, for franken.
thankyou again, for your comments.
glad you enjoyed yourself :)
Zoraya 12. Aug. 2016 um 11:26 
Aha, I was unsure about the puzzles because I thought there were one or more missing steps... I didn´t manage to find a way to deactivate the upper fizzler in order to funnel the cube against the wall button. So I suppose that wasn´t neccessary?
Anyway, I enjoyed the creativity again!
mood3rd  [Autor] 11. Aug. 2016 um 4:33 
hi Zoraya
thankyou for playing.
I just had a look at the exit connection.
yes, that should not be possible ?
the exit is only connected to the wall button.
& it is a direct connection.
however, this glitch only happens, when the player has solved the puzzle.
so although this glitch should not happen.
the player has earn't the right to exit.
in testing today:
when the franken hit the wall button.
the panel moved & the franken funeled upwards ?
again another glitch.
but the exit glitch, stops the panel glitch, making this map unsolvable.
so I am afraid to republish, in case the exit glich is resolved, but the panel glitch remains.
ps. the wall button also activates another light bridge.
if the player wants some reflector cake. (from the franken room)
glad you enjoyed it (dispite the glitch's)
Zoraya 6. Aug. 2016 um 15:06 
Nice chamber, I liked the floating and flying through the lasers.
I´m not sure about the solution. I had the cc and the franken only touched once the button at the wall and the exit door was open: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=738952957?
I was surprised because that seemed illogical to me ...
mood3rd  [Autor] 22. Aug. 2014 um 15:25 
try cooking them 1st :)
kimist108 21. Aug. 2014 um 17:22 
That was very different. Thumbs up;! But red herring taste really bad.