Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

428 ratings
Best Screenshot Greenscreen Extraction
By John Binden
In this guide I will show you how to create perfect cutouts of weapons from greenscreens to create clean looking screenshot showcases.
  • Screenshot Capturing Software that is able to capture .png or .tga file formats (I recommend using Fraps)
  • Adobe Photoshop or similar editing software
  • Create/use existing config and paste these aliases into it:

    sv_cheats 1; bind i toggleGreenscreen; alias toggleGreenscreen enableGreenscreen; alias enableGreenscreen "alias toggleGreenscreen disableGreenscreen; fog_override 1; fog_color 0 255 0; fog_start 0; fog_end 1; fog_maxdensity 1500; cl_drawhud 0"; alias disableGreenscreen "alias toggleGreenscreen enableGreenscreen; fog_override 0; fog_color 0 255 0; fog_start 0; fog_end 1; fog_maxdensity 1500; cl_drawhud 1"; bind l toggleFreezeMo; alias toggleFreezeMo "enableFreezeMo"; alias enableFreezeMo "alias toggleFreezeMo disableFreezeMo; host_timescale 0.0000001"; alias disableFreezeMo "alias toggleFreezeMo enableFreezeMo; host_timescale 1"; bind k toggleSlowMo; alias toggleSlowMo "enableSlowMo"; alias enableSlowMo "alias toggleSlowMo disableSlowMo; host_timescale 0.1"; alias disableSlowMo "alias toggleSlowMo enableSlowMo; host_timescale 1";
This part is just an overview and rough explaination to help you understand the steps. If you don't want to know or already know the basics feel free to skip this part and go to Step 1 below.

You may ask, what are the benefits of using this method?
There is no greenspill, so your cutouts are perfect.

In this guide I will demonstrate how you can use 2 still images (one greenscreen, one normal) to create a perfect cutout around the weapon with NO GREEEN SPILL.

Firstly I use Fraps to capture my screenshots as Steam currently does not support uncompressed screenshot capture for CS:GO. I suggest that you save you screens as .png as it's saved using lossless compression and takes up less space than .tga, which is uncompressed, they both result in pretty much identical quality.

My program of choice is Photoshop CC 2017, so that's what I will be using to show you the methods.

I suggest placing aliases into a new separate .cfg file or your screenshot taking config rather than autoexec, as you have to enable cheats on the server before they start working. I personally named my config togglegreenscreen.cfg, so everytime I go into a server I just type in the console "exec togglegreenscreen" and I'm good to go. Feel free to change the binds to whatever is suitable to you. I bound "i" to toggle greenscreen, "k" to toggle slow motion and "l" to freeze time.


Once you have entered the server and loaded the config containing the aliases, find a good lighting area to show your weapon with best possible detail. Then toggle ON the greenscreen using "i", find the right pose for your screenshot. Use slow motion toggle "k" to help you pause the animation at the perfect time. Press "l" to toggle freeze time. Move your mouse to find the perfect light to fall on your weapon. Using Fraps capture the greenscreen, then without moving your mouse toggle OFF the greenscreen by pressing "i" again and take another screenshot this time without the greenscreen.

Note: Greenscreen does not work for the sky, so try not to look up when you're outside

Repeat the process for however many poses you wish to include in your edit.

Here's what I'll be using in this example:


Start up Photoshop, place both screenshots in the same project. Make sure greenscreen is at the top. Then go to Select>Color Range, select Greenscreen color using the eye dropper. Due to process called "banding" you might see that not all of green color has been selected, so by pressing SHIFT + clicking on unselected green areas you will add this color to your selection. Play with fuzziness setting, I have mine usually set at around 25. Click "OK" and disable greenscreen layer visibility. Create a mask using that selection on the non greenscreen area, invert the mask by pressing CTRL+i and merge both layers together by having both layers selected and pressing CTRL+E.

CTRL + click on the newly created layer, it should make a selection around your hand and weapon. Create new mask. Click on the mask in the layer panel and go to Fliters>Blur>Box Blur, set it to 1px and click "OK". This is to soften the edges a little bit so the composite doesn't look fake when you add in the background.


If you follow these steps you should be able to produce perfect cutouts of weapons for your screenshot edits.


Thank you for checking out this guide and the support!

☪ LUNAIN.FOX May 5, 2023 @ 9:38am 
How can I take a clean, high-definition picture like the one used here? I used a program called Fraps, but the quality is so different from the picture. Does anyone know how?
Danya_2011 Feb 22, 2018 @ 5:57am 
RUS: Выберите что то одно из этого списка и напишите в моём профиле, отвечу тем же!
GER: Such dir eine Sache aus der Liste aus und schreib es unter mein Profil und ich mache es auch bei dir!
PL: Wybierz jeden z komentarzy ponizej i zamieść w moim profilu, odwdzięcze się tym samym !
TR: Aşağıdan bir kelime seçip duvarıma yazarsanız aynısını bende size yazarım
+rep flick shots master
+rep nice clutch
+rep nice ace
+rep good player
+rep nice teammate
+rep Good job
+rep nice trader
+rep Clutch King
+rep good player
+rep Insane Skill
+rep Great Aim
+rep good leader
+rep flick machine
Nitrate Sep 9, 2017 @ 2:42pm 
you dont have to do this anymore just use my screenshot map xD the lighting is from siege
★F I N D U S Mar 13, 2017 @ 12:05pm 
@ChumS because he is the best
𝘒𝘪𝘳𝘢 † Mar 6, 2017 @ 7:35pm 
How do you know its the best????
lasvega Mar 6, 2017 @ 2:04pm 
pleas guys, stop writing that im a cheater on my profil ffs..
muzan Mar 6, 2017 @ 10:24am 
guys pls stop asking if I sign ur profile..
★ Sabach Mar 6, 2017 @ 2:54am 
@marcaf dont download any green screen map .. just download cs_seige and use the commands that kubanan gave , it should solve your problem :)
󠀡󠀡 Mar 5, 2017 @ 10:03pm 
+rep made it to global elite bc of this
marcaf Mar 5, 2017 @ 7:00pm 
the greenscreen didn't work here... I tried downloading a greenscreen map, but when I do the color range, I have a tiny green border on my skin... any help? Thx