The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

87 평점
Invincible Hawk Fix v.1b
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3.141 KB
2012년 8월 1일 오전 9시 16분
2013년 2월 7일 오후 6시 37분
변경 사항 3개 ( 보기 )

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Invincible Hawk Fix v.1b

This mod fixes a bug that causes hawks to become invincible when they respawn after being killed a first time.

** Compatible with All DLC! **
Works with any combination of DLC or no DLC.
Fixes Bone Hawks and Felsaad Tern too, new types of hawk introduced in Dawnguard and Dragonborn respectively.

If you are using Arrowsmith, you do not need this fix.
It is built in to the latest versions of Arrowsmith: Vanilla Edition & Arrowsmith: Dawnguard Edition

Click the Subscribe button above.
Skyrim's launcher will automatically download the mod.
Click Data Files in the launcher and checkmark invinciblehawkfix.esp.

If you are using the old ''loose'' version from Curse, delete Data\Scripts\FXfakeCritterScript.pex.

Q: Why wasn't v1 bundled with Arrowsmith or uploaded to Steam Workshop?
A: In order for this fix to work, the script file had to be a ''loose'' file (ie. in the Data\Scripts folder). Skyrim wouldn't load modified version of original game scripts from BSA files, but it would load them if they are loose. And Steam Workshop doesn't allow loose files. However, Skyrim does appear to load modified versions of original scripts from the BSA now, so either a patch changed it or I was just doing it wrong before.
Arrowsmith v.3c now has the fix built in.

Q: What caused the bug?
A: Hawks are moving objects rather than normal NPCs. The script disables them when they get hit, places a lootable ''hawk'' container at their location (which falls to the ground), then re-enables the moving object after 72 in-game hours to ''respawn'' them. For some reason the developers had this set to only happen once for each hawk. So when they respawned, nothing would happen when they got hit. If you tried to shoot them with arrows, the arrows would just stick to them and they would keep flying.

Q: I still can't kill hawks.
A: If you are using Unofficial Skyrim Patch 1.2.7 or higher, move Invincible Hawk Fix below it in your load order.
However, this disables this conflicting fix from USKP 1.2.7:
''The spawned hawk containers that are used for dead hawks are not properly cleaned up during cell resets because they have no delete script. (Bug #9882)''
If you don't use USKP, then try fast traveling to another location, waiting for 72 hours, and traveling back. This should cause the hawks to reload with the correct script.

Q: Why do hawks disappear when I shoot them?
A: Your Object Fade/View Distance is too low. Turn it up in the launcher settings or the game settings.
Reason: Hawks are moving world objects rather than normal NPCs/actors. The game replaces the hawk with a lootable object (container) when you shoot it. If your object view distance is low, you won't be able to see the newly spawned object unless you are close to where it falls.

  • v.1b - 07 Feb 2013
    • Fixed a conflict with Unofficial Skyrim Patch 1.2.7. Requires Invincible Hawk Fix to be loaded after USKP.
      Users who do not use USKP 1.2.7 or higher will not be affected.

  • v.1a - 01 Aug 2012
    • Redone as a ESP/BSA bundle for Steam Workshop.

  • v.1 - 11 Feb 2011
    • Initial Release
댓글 43
Quadzilla 2015년 3월 1일 오전 7시 33분 
"That final moment when you shoot the stupid bird,in solitude" Before it just goes POOF!
Samutz  [작성자] 2014년 2월 13일 오후 1시 13분 
I will look in to it this afternoon.
Iceira 2014년 2월 13일 오후 12시 46분 
i see the hawk over heartfire dlc, and they dont die there ? ( my 3 home ) all 3 places has this error, Invincible Hawk
Akar 2013년 8월 9일 오후 2시 08분 
Oh, ok.
Samutz  [작성자] 2013년 8월 9일 오전 7시 21분 
Well I said downloads, not DLC. What I meant is that you don't need to download an extra mod to make it work with Dawnguard. I'm going to rewrite it to consider Dragonborn anyway.
Akar 2013년 8월 8일 오후 9시 42분 
You said dawnguard Compatible, then said, no other DLC needed. You never said there was a DLC needed. Just pointing that out. And cool mod.
Paladin 2013년 3월 27일 오전 11시 54분 
I do tcl on to go into the air and try kill a hawk with flame but it doesn't work? What I do wrong?
Samutz  [작성자] 2013년 3월 26일 오후 1시 45분 
@Stania This should fix the salmon too, but I'm not sure. I tried to test it once but had some difficulties finding or spawning them.
Stania 2013년 3월 26일 오후 1시 06분 
Is it possible that you do the same fix with the salmon jumping on waterfalls (specially near riverwood)? They're the only kind of salmon (I have seen so far) from which you can get salmon roe, and they present the same problem. Thanks for the fix, great job. :)
Paladin 2013년 3월 22일 오전 9시 02분 