Portal 2
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20 lipca 2012 o 22:04
Twinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky...

If you're stuck on the last section, download mevious' "perpetual lasers" map for inspiriation.
Komentarzy: 2
Hen_ham  [autor] 9 kwietnia 2013 o 4:43 
yeah, I stole/borrowed the idea for the second bit off an experimental mevious map. It's pretty wack.
m3g4t0nerr 8 kwietnia 2013 o 11:59 
couldn't pull off the second part.. i must be tired.
Although, I did the first part with 3 cubes only and some portals.

try my new, small, laser chamber :D