Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

このアイテムは Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes と互換性がありません。 このアイテムが Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes で動作しない理由については、 インストラクション を参照してください。
Crossover Modules
Modules: Regular Module
2.084 MB
2016年12月31日 10時47分
2018年7月14日 22時09分
20 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Crossover Modules

ZekNikZ 作成の 1 件のコレクション
ZekNikZ's Modules
5 アイテム
Combining multiple modules is so fun!

Current Modules:
- Complicated Buttons
- Symbolic Password
- Button Sequences

Designed and implemented by ZekNikZ.

Module IDs: complicatedButtonsModule, symbolicPasswordModule, buttonSequencesModule

Find both HTML and PDF manuals at
10 件のコメント
elias5891 2017年4月17日 18時46分 
@T0aSt, since you had 0-1 batteries, and the first button was a detonate, you would want to go in the order listed in that cross-section in the manual page. Thus, the 3,1,2 order. So, you would have wanted to press the third button, then the first.
saut; 2017年4月16日 8時06分 
that module being complicated buttons
saut; 2017年4月16日 7時58分 
I found a bug: I was defusing the module and had 1 battery, the button order was white detonate, white press middle, and purple hold. The button order should have been: press the first, skip the second, press the third. I pressed the first and recived a strike. Why?
saut; 2017年4月14日 18時52分 
GENIUS! but, as the previous comment says, mabey a bit better asthetics? only if you are willing to do it ;)
DMills 2017年1月16日 20時16分 
ZekNikZ. I really wishes you module had a better visual aesthetic. I have them turned off due to their poor look. But I like the rules and the mechanics behind them.
Timwi 2017年1月1日 11時17分 
Hi ZekNikZ. Thanks a ton for your contribution! I’m definitely looking forward to trying this new module! Thanks also for open-sourcing it, that will definitely ensure its longevity. :)
Flamanis 2017年1月1日 6時37分 
If you wouldn't mind good sir, adding the module id next to each module, just for simplicities sake. (It's how missions are able to use your module, module ID not module name). And something that Timwi has been pushing us to do is putting the source onto Github or something else. The reasoning behind this is so that if for some reason in the future if you leave, or die, or whatever, someone else can take over the mod so that any breaking changes in the game doesn't make the mod unplayable.
Minisablab 2016年12月31日 18時09分 
@ZekNikZ Thanks you!
ZekNikZ  [作成者] 2016年12月31日 16時29分 
@Minisablab, the manual is updated and working with the latest version. If you are on Windows, the manual can be found by opening option on the main menu and clicking 'Open Manual Folder'. If on any other OS, then click the link in the description above for the manual.
Minisablab 2016年12月31日 14時17分 
I'm a little confused, is the manual included with the mod?