Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Metro Overhaul Mod (MOM)
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10. dec. 2016 kl. 23:51
26. maj 2023 kl. 22:44
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Metro Overhaul Mod (MOM)


Version 11 (11.0.0)

Thank you for scoping out the Metro Overhaul Mod. The main goals of this mod are:
  1. NEW Integrate and extend the functionality and versatility of the existing metro network.
  2. Add character to the metro network with new track styles, rendered tunnels and stations.
  3. Extend the functionality of metro with new UI's controlling track aesthetics, as well as underground station depth and length.
  4. Easily switch stations between Metro and Train
  5. Easily customize multitrack stations for metro and train services

    1. Subscribe to the mod and all required items listed on the right side.
    2. Ensure all the associated assets are enabled in the ingame Content Manager.
    3. Metro lines are built like tram lines. You must start by placing a depot (found in the metro menu). This is where metro cars spawn from.
    4. Build your stations, tracks, and lines the way you normally would, only this time, you can go above and below ground!.
    5. Set up your transport lines.
    For more info - check out the guide below in "Links"

    Unsubscribing (permanently)
    Ghost Mode. Enable Ghost Mode from options and then load and save your cities which use MOM. Then unsubscribe. You may also want to delete the m100 asset to get back the shorter vanilla metro cars. Keep in mind that if you intend on Resubscribing, make sure Ghost Mode is unchecked before starting your city.

    Special Thanks

    First and foremost I want to thank BloodyPenguin for building out the fabulous code base. Very talented. I learned a lot.

    I would also like to thank BadPeanut for his exclusive stations, MrMaison for his dedication to the Metropolitan Depot, bsquiklehausen for the default m100 rolling stock, TimTheTerrible for wonderful track models and Classic Pillars, and scoobyduped for the underground station rotation idea.

    Click here for the full collection of required items for version 10.0:

    For a Full Guide detailing everything you need to know about Metro Overhaul click here:

    Tip sniggledigit:

    For full transparency: BadPeanut is an employee at Colossal Order, however here they use their personal account and as such all opinions, content and contributions to the community reflect BadPeanut's own views and interests, and are not created nor maintained as part of their job. Like all user generated content, this is not officially supported content and should be used at your own risk.

    CLICK HERE: Check out the forum post: "Colossal Stories - Hiring Modders #4 - Bad Peanut"[]


    Follow These steps if you believe this mod is causing you problems:
    1. Open Content Manager and go to the Mods Panel, disable all except the mods listed under required mods in the side panel on this page
    2. In Content Manager, go to the Asset Panel and disable all except the assets listed above in the description and those in the required assets on the side panel of this workshop page
    3. Quit to Desktop
    4. Verify Game Cache
    5. Launch the game
    6. Start a new game 100% vanilla - DLC allowed but no other mods other than specified.
      test thoroughly the mod to see if it presents the same problem (yes you may have to play and build a quick test city to do so)
    7. If the problem still persists, please upload the same vanilla save file you tested in making sure you have not used any other custom assets (so they don't disappear when we load it) and paste a link to the savegame in the discussion thread "Troubleshooting Savegames". Savefiles uploaded on third party servers will not be accepted.

    If you do not complete these steps and submit a savegame we cannot help you.

    Tip sniggledigit:
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4.744 kommentarer
Narodnaya_Pobeda 31. maj kl. 11:14 

omg, Thank you very much for ur commenting report on those error issues, here. Now I can find finally the reason of the crash with disappearance of assets in specific angle of view. I deleted the mods in conflict with this mod. :steamfacepalm::steamhappy:
black_panther559 22. maj kl. 23:24 

What kind of mods do you have in your game? I'm really not sure, as I'm not the creator of this asset, but again, I'm actually using this very mod right now in game and I have no issues with my connections, destroying and modifying without it messing up the lines, or anything that is being said here.

Try this mod if you don't have it...

Then go to the previous stop from where the line broke, and just hold shift and slide to the station(s) that it seemed to have disconnected from. That's what I do when I'm updating a line due to expansion.

I'm not sure if that's what you are referring to, in regards to your connection breaks.

Happy city building everyone! :steamhappy: :steamthumbsup:
bwmsim 20. maj kl. 20:43 
A couple of days ago metro lines no longer connected when transferring from one kind of road to another. This goes for trams, buses and monorails, and possibly other types of transit. It doesn't seem to matter whether I rebuild the line or not it the lines fail to connect. It's unfortunate because I have a 400k city and now the transit network is fractured. These problems just started happening this week.
black_panther559 18. maj kl. 22:13 
*Added BONUS*

If you are familiar with the RON mod, that will come in handy as well. You can use that to replace all of your already created Vanilla tracks to Cylis's replacements. Just be sure to match each track to its correct description to avoid having any visual issues (tunnel track suspended in the air when it should be a bridge track... LOL!).

Happy city building everyone! :steamhappy: :steamthumbsup:
black_panther559 18. maj kl. 22:05 

Okay, for anyone that is still complaining about the functionality of this mod, it is apparent that the creator either is no longer monitoring this mod, or he's busy with other things right now. This mod hasn't seen an update since around this time a year ago.

Therefore, you have only two options at this point...

1. Deal with it the best way you can and do whatever workaround you need in order to keep the mod working in its current state. I have it and it's fine for me as we speak.

2. Unsub from the mod, and go to the replica version created by cylis, which works just as well, only with not having to even worry about the MOM mod's complications. It's FULLY Vanilla, with only altering the functionality of the rendered tracks. I've used them as well and they're just as good, WITHOUT needing a depot to start it at that.

The choice is yours. Happy city building everyone! :steamhappy::steamthumbsup:
HgLampe 15. maj kl. 21:05 
Imcompatible with FPS Booster & Patch loader mod!!!
It may cause the buildings to disappear and flicker crazily when rotating the angle of view!!!
It really needs a fix ! I can't leave this mod

与 FPS Booster & Patch loader mod 不兼容!!!
steppingfire 11. maj kl. 6:48 
Can confirm this mod no longer works at least with other Harmony mods installed. When exiting the game and coming back in you can no longer create or extend metro lines on stations made in the previous save. If I delete a working line I can't recreate it without physically building the line and stations again. It appears that the lines are sinking into the ground, which appears to have been an issue with the 81 tiles mod, although the fix that has worked for that n{buying all 81 tiles before making your metro line) no longer works. Either way you have to rebuild your metro lines from scratch every time you reopen the game and want to modify or connect a new line. I love the functionality in this mod and have used it a lot in the past, hope it gets fixed.
smetana345 29. apr. kl. 12:18 
Водила Метро 18. apr. kl. 9:15 
No working
Garin_Van-Lohengrin 17. apr. kl. 4:17 
This mod causes for your metro trains to despawn to 0 vehicles. When adding trains with the count slider (budget) one can see how the line spawns 1 and immediately despawns back to 0.
The abscence of metro causes my population to slowly decrease.