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"Squad «Militaires Sans Frontieres – C»"
39 opmerkingen
Jimvajicka Big Black 10 mei 2019 om 10:38 
Why does everyone have different guns with non interchangeable magazines? "Squad"...
Predator14 8 feb 2019 om 20:19 
very very good shot!
Elímínv†e 21 jan 2017 om 4:36 
Great shot!:Smilingdemon:
onlyMIZDI 16 dec 2016 om 8:08 
soo good
☭Indalamar☆Ramaladni✠ 2 dec 2016 om 2:57 
Ты слева на танке?)
☭Indalamar☆Ramaladni✠ 2 dec 2016 om 2:57 
Marcus Astronomius 28 nov 2016 om 18:10 
Really nice. The whole team has to fit it like a family.
Scuba Steve 28 nov 2016 om 11:42 
pretty cool that shot
Colosergey 28 nov 2016 om 11:34 
isupahfly 28 nov 2016 om 5:07 
A hell of a shot!