Portal 2

Portal 2

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PeTI Museum (Exhibit C)
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Jul 5, 2012 @ 8:45am
Jul 5, 2012 @ 6:45pm
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PeTI Museum (Exhibit C)



In exhibit C there are a total of 7 various mechanisms some with simple and advanced examples.

In the style of Penn & Teller I've decided to invite you behind the curtain.. not to brag but to share a wealth of knowledge accumulated thus far. This will hopefully make your maps even better than before and for the portal newbies still scratching their heads thinking, "how the heck did they do that?!" this should help illuminate those possibilities a little. Not to mention it's also interesting going to a museum and viewing the machines and physics at work!

Note - if the Pulsing laser loop connected to excursion funnels causes your system to churn then you can switch it off by removing the cube.

* Geneosis’ light bridge slicer - a track platform breaks the beam in certain places.

* RaVeN’s laser track timer MK2 - a reflection cube is positioned on a track platform so that it hits laser catcher(s) in the laser beams path.
* Dackie_Murphy's basketball randomiser - three spheres drop at different heights onto aerial faith plates aimed at a push button, the spheres then fall into deadly goo and auto-respawn.
* Geneosis’ rotating cubes - faith plates combined with reflection cubes can create a circle of spinning cubes. N.B. make sure the height of the arcs are all set to the minimum and you launch the cubes in one direction but then spin them in the opposite direction.
* Pulsing laser loop - loop a laser beam to create a quick pulse. This can produce interesting physics effects when combined with excursion funnels i.e. hover and glide. E.g. anti-gravity walking over deadly goo.

* Hidden connection lines - to do this simple surround a button with light strips e.g. the button used in Dackie_Murphy's basketball randomiser demonstration.
* 9 or more connections - (passive demonstration) make one of the connections a laser that in turn activates laser relays for the remaining connections. This is useful for using flip panels to spell words etc.

> Valve's Portal 2 puzzles.
> Geneosis’ Collections: http://steamcommunity.com/id/geneosis/myworkshopfiles/?appid=620&section=collections
> RaVeN’s Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/id/ravenclaw/myworkshopfiles?appid=620
> Dackie_Murphy's Workshop: http://steamcommunity.com/id/DackieMurphy/myworkshopfiles?appid=620

RaVeN, Geneosis, Dackie_Murphy, PeTI museum, interactive, informative, development tools, delay, timer, randomiser, pulses, connections, fun

mood3rd Nov 1, 2012 @ 1:37pm 
if you want a cube button, to activate something that stays on, after the cube is removed from the button, (eg senario: you 3 launched from faith plate only need to briefly hit button).
you get the button to activate a laser that hits a relay, that activates another laser, that hits the same relay. the relay activates whatever the button originaly would have.
if I later wan't to turn it off, activate a panel, to break the laser beam, that is hiting the relay.
(only needs to be brief) example in following map, based on 1 of geneosis called infinity:
reflector cube-lasers-infinity
mood3rd Nov 1, 2012 @ 1:36pm 
some good gates.
the alternating funel polarity is drawing us towards the funel.
this can be solved, by increasing the speed of alternation.
I have an example of this in the 2nd chamber of my map:
simple turret problem 7- choose your buttons wisely
I never thought or slicing the light bridge, as you do here.
Geneosis Jul 6, 2012 @ 1:16pm 
Well the map I linked is not one of mines ;) I just played it recently ^^
RaVeN  [author] Jul 6, 2012 @ 12:31pm 
The laser cube on the moving platform is very stable - it took me a while to perfect it, but basically so long as the cube is pushed against a 90 degree panel by an excursion funnel it will stay on the track platform. And like you said make a little ‘hop’ that doesn't affect the cubes position even after a period of time (unless Valve go ahead and change the physics of Portal 2 again! I've not heard anymore off Valve about the gel vs. excursion funnel issue yet!)

I will check out your map when I have time thanks again :)
Geneosis Jul 6, 2012 @ 7:47am 
Oh and about your laser track timer, I don't know if you saw this map but this is basically the same mechanism X)
Geneosis Jul 6, 2012 @ 6:44am 
Liked the basket timer and the laser cube on a moving platform ^^ I would again use a funnel to be sure the cibe will not fait, but it seems that the hop when the platform change direction don't affect the orientation of the cube ;)

Nice to use the laser cube circle as a timer ^^ But that will also probably work with any other cube ;)

Thanks again for the references!

Map Creator Tools +1 :p