Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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See-Through Viewmodel!
Oleh Makka
A guide on how to see through you gun but still see it.
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Downloading the mod
The most essential part of this mod is downloading the ACTUAL mod (duh), and not some fake virus thingymajig. To protect you and your computer i'll link the page to download it it here:
Making the new files for this mod
Enter you tf folder by right clicking tf2 in your library then select properties. Once the menu shows up click local files and then browse local files. Then oped the folder named tf and open your folder named 'custom'. Once you're in your custom folder create 5 NEW folders and name as follows: (call the first one anything you want to call it), call the second one materials, call the third one VGUI, call the fourth one rplay and call the fith one thumbnails.
Setting up the mod in the new folders
First, drag the downloaded mod files into the folder you named 'thumbnails'. Then, enter your HUD files (HUDs/scripts/folder) and open the file named 'hudlayout.res', scroll to the bottom of the code and copy the second code segment from the tftv page i linked in part 1. After you've done that go to the /tf/cfg folder and open 'autoexec.cfg' and paste in the third code segment from the tftv page and....... CONGLATURATION! (i hope you get the joke lol) YOU NOW HAVE PARTIALLY SEETHROUGH VIEWMODELS ON ANY SERVER yaaaaaaaay. Now you can see your fancy skins for your guns but still see what they were blocking out of your sight. Hooray.
Shoutout/credit and some pre-question answers
So, the whole reason I made this because a YouTuber named 'a woolen sleevelet' who actually gave me all that sweet sweet knawlege to make this guide. It wouldn't exist without him. Here's a link to the video he made that gave me that sweet sweet knawlege: and here's his channel:
Definately go show him so love he's a great YTber and like i said this guide wouldn't exist without him. If you have any questions about the mod being broken, not working at all or not being able to find the right folders, go ask him on his video which i linked or just check the comments because he did reply to a lot of people who had problems, and there were a LOT of them. So I'd like to thank you for reading this and and if you did enjoy it and you're feeling kinda cheery today, please do consider donating cuz I'm poor and has no monies :p
1 Komentar
高橋 29 Okt 2016 @ 12:13am 